Daily Devotionals
Friday, July 19, 2024 (Ashley)
Last week our daughter expressed a lack of confidence in the area of riding her bike.
As my husband and I dug deeper, we soon realized that it wasn’t only a lack of confidence but also a new sense of comparison
I have admired our daughter’s lack of envy from the moment her personality began to shine. She has always been her own person and though other kids inspire her to try new things, she hadn’t really fallen into the comparison trap… until now 
However, I saw this as a rich parenting opportunity – Afterall, this wasn’t just about riding her bike.
Like anything, what our daughter, Ellery, had been lacking in order to become better at biking, was practice! So every day this past week, we drove to a local park with a paved course and she spent some time riding her bike. She practiced going up and down big hills, using her kickstand, making sharp corners, and stopping with both her hand and foot breaks.
Day by day, her biking improved!
At the same time, my focus at the park wasn’t only to work on her biking skills. These were moments that we got to pray, worship, and read scripture together. We talked about how God created her and everyone else with unique giftings and skills.
Day by day, her comparison dwindled!
And do you know what she is most excited about today? She is eager to bring her Daddy to the park so she can show him how much she has improved… in just one week!
So, I have to ask…
•Where is your lack of self-confidence today?
•What comparison trap have you been stuck in?
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
– Ephesians 2:10
You have a rich opportunity to take a deep dive with God about what's going on in your heart!
It’s time to do the work and put in the practice!
Speak God’s truth over you and the lies the enemy longs for you to believe!
And as you address the issues in your life, I pray that, like Ellery with her Dad, you also have the eagerness to show your Heavenly Father what you have been working so hard on!
As my husband and I dug deeper, we soon realized that it wasn’t only a lack of confidence but also a new sense of comparison

However, I saw this as a rich parenting opportunity – Afterall, this wasn’t just about riding her bike.
Like anything, what our daughter, Ellery, had been lacking in order to become better at biking, was practice! So every day this past week, we drove to a local park with a paved course and she spent some time riding her bike. She practiced going up and down big hills, using her kickstand, making sharp corners, and stopping with both her hand and foot breaks.
Day by day, her biking improved!
At the same time, my focus at the park wasn’t only to work on her biking skills. These were moments that we got to pray, worship, and read scripture together. We talked about how God created her and everyone else with unique giftings and skills.
Day by day, her comparison dwindled!
And do you know what she is most excited about today? She is eager to bring her Daddy to the park so she can show him how much she has improved… in just one week!
So, I have to ask…
•Where is your lack of self-confidence today?
•What comparison trap have you been stuck in?
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
– Ephesians 2:10
You have a rich opportunity to take a deep dive with God about what's going on in your heart!
It’s time to do the work and put in the practice!
Speak God’s truth over you and the lies the enemy longs for you to believe!
And as you address the issues in your life, I pray that, like Ellery with her Dad, you also have the eagerness to show your Heavenly Father what you have been working so hard on!