Daily Devotionals
Friday, June 21, 2024 (Ashley)
I have been clinging to the book of John, as many of you are also reading due to our Monday night Bible Study, and I have never read it with such humility, neediness, and hunger!!! And as Megan Marshman has pointed out, the Lord has in fact met me right where I’ve been… which unfortunately lately, has been knocked down.
I wanted to start there because it’s absolutely normal and ok to be knocked down from time to time. And in fact, it is often when we rely on Jesus most. There is a comfort that comes from sitting broken with the Lord that today, I am equating to getting a long, warm squeeze from your favorite grandpa. In my case, my grandpa Duane smelled like smoke and safety and always held me securly until I let go first
And that’s exactly how I’ve felt lately as I rested in God’s almighty hands.
Then half way through the pity party of a week I was having, truth hit me right between the eyes. I was feeling low and wasn’t recognizing myself. In a moment that usually would have brought me joy, I felt… empty. It was in that moment that I remembered a part from Mondays video and realized that my cup had tipped over and was in fact, empty
That’s when I decided to turn it upward, the way Megan reminded us, a cup was designed to work! 
“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Did you catch that? Come to Him and He will give you rest! So while it is ok to feel knocked down and take a break to rest in His loving arms, it is not ok to stop doing the things you know you need to keep doing. I once heard a famous minister say, “When you don’t know what to do, do what you know you need to do!”
I realized that I hadn’t started my days with a walk outside. I realized that I had spent way more time on my phone than normal. I realized that I had eaten the same, boring thing for days in a row because I was working on my health. I realized that I hadn’t written, journaled, or worked towards a project I enjoyed all week. I had only ridden in the car with my husband so he chose the music, I had only been at our house, so I was at my families beckon call… I was empty and it was no surprise why!
So I started doing the simple things that I know I need to do. I started my days with a fresh air walk and plenty of water. I made one of my favorite meals for dinner, that still aligned with my health goals. I got my first ever facial, I dug into God’s word and journaled through my Bible Study questions. I asked sisters-in-christ for prayer. We picked strawberries, I sat in the sun, I worshiped while making dinner, listened to some of my favorite sermons and podcasts and took an evening walk.
You guys, in the matter of two days, my circumstances didn’t change but my attitude and mood sure did. I strongly believe in meeting God half way. He picked me up when I was knocked down but there is not a doubt in my mind that He never wanted me to stay there.
Perhaps you find yourself struggling right now and need to fall into His arms. That’s ok – they are wide open and there is a time for that! But please, if you’ve been resting there for a while, make sure you accept the rest God has promised you and when the nap is over, get up!
Friend, take the steps forward to do the things you know you need to do, today!
I wanted to start there because it’s absolutely normal and ok to be knocked down from time to time. And in fact, it is often when we rely on Jesus most. There is a comfort that comes from sitting broken with the Lord that today, I am equating to getting a long, warm squeeze from your favorite grandpa. In my case, my grandpa Duane smelled like smoke and safety and always held me securly until I let go first

Then half way through the pity party of a week I was having, truth hit me right between the eyes. I was feeling low and wasn’t recognizing myself. In a moment that usually would have brought me joy, I felt… empty. It was in that moment that I remembered a part from Mondays video and realized that my cup had tipped over and was in fact, empty

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
Did you catch that? Come to Him and He will give you rest! So while it is ok to feel knocked down and take a break to rest in His loving arms, it is not ok to stop doing the things you know you need to keep doing. I once heard a famous minister say, “When you don’t know what to do, do what you know you need to do!”
I realized that I hadn’t started my days with a walk outside. I realized that I had spent way more time on my phone than normal. I realized that I had eaten the same, boring thing for days in a row because I was working on my health. I realized that I hadn’t written, journaled, or worked towards a project I enjoyed all week. I had only ridden in the car with my husband so he chose the music, I had only been at our house, so I was at my families beckon call… I was empty and it was no surprise why!
So I started doing the simple things that I know I need to do. I started my days with a fresh air walk and plenty of water. I made one of my favorite meals for dinner, that still aligned with my health goals. I got my first ever facial, I dug into God’s word and journaled through my Bible Study questions. I asked sisters-in-christ for prayer. We picked strawberries, I sat in the sun, I worshiped while making dinner, listened to some of my favorite sermons and podcasts and took an evening walk.
You guys, in the matter of two days, my circumstances didn’t change but my attitude and mood sure did. I strongly believe in meeting God half way. He picked me up when I was knocked down but there is not a doubt in my mind that He never wanted me to stay there.
Perhaps you find yourself struggling right now and need to fall into His arms. That’s ok – they are wide open and there is a time for that! But please, if you’ve been resting there for a while, make sure you accept the rest God has promised you and when the nap is over, get up!
Friend, take the steps forward to do the things you know you need to do, today!