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Friday, March 22, 2024 (Ashley)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
I know, I know… these morning temps might have you questioning it but Spring really is here!

Tuesday was officially the Spring equinox which means there were equal parts of day to night. 🌝🌚 From the time of the Spring equinox until the time of the Fall equinox, we have the most daylight, which I think we can all agree is a fantastic mood booster! So don’t worry about this weather, it won’t last much longer.

On Tuesday, while we were celebrating Spring’s arrival, my husband, our daughter, and I decided to spend the early evening painting, discussing our plans for the upcoming seasons, and taking a beautiful walk through our woods.

I deeply enjoy making a big deal out of the little things in life. It brings me happiness to make excuses to celebrate, do something different, and set intentions for ourselves and our family. So thanks to Pinterest, I found a fun Spring equinox ritual that we enjoyed. The idea was to find a piece of birch tree paper, write an intention you desire to have more of, and bury it in the dirt. Pictured is our perfect little birch tree spot where we even have a bench to rest and reset. The three of us sat out there and talked about the way things were changing and what we all wanted more of in our lives. We prayed for God to guide us in these areas, to direct our paths, and we buried our pieces of paper in the ground.

Often the most special gifts in life are simple and free. This was one of those moments for me. As time passes and seasons change, I have been reminded of God’s faithfulness. Throughout history, time has never stood still. Change is inevitable and growth is necessary.

“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3

Scripture tells us that this is a delicate balance. Trusting the Lord as if everything depends on Him while working as if everything depends on us.

•Where are your efforts this morning?

•Have you committed them to the Lord?

“And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.” 1 John 2:17

Reminding ourselves that the material cravings of this world will fade away should encourage us to fix our eyes on Jesus!

•What are your intentions for the upcoming seasons?

•Have you presented them to the Lord and asked for his will and guidance?

Although change can often be hard and scary… God provides us with comfort and direction when we ask him for it – Take rest in Him 🌱



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