Daily Devotionals
Friday, September 20, 2024 (Ashley)
Grateful - Thankful - Blessed
As we lead up to Thanksgiving, we spot these words everywhere. In fact, I spy two of them just sitting here in my home thanks to my cozy fall decor
Ah, yes … We paint them on signs and wear them on our clothes to portray to the world that we are ever so grateful, thankful, and blessed for the lives we’ve been given.
But are we, really?
•What are the first thoughts that fill our heads in the morning?
— Thank you, Lord, for giving me another day!
— Ugh, my alarm is going off already?! I’m too tired for this!
•How about our attitude towards our job?
— God, thank you for this job I have that provides for myself and those I love!
— My job is so boring. I deserve more money. No one appreciates me.
•Where is our focus as we conclude our day?
— Jesus, praise you for the comfort of my own space, the downtime you provide, and the people I get to enjoy it with!
— Great, more work for me to do… make dinner, clean the dishes, fold the laundry, etc. etc.
It can sound so small to live in a state of appreciation and maybe it is but some of the smalled habits stack up to provide the most power in our lives!
It may be simple but it’s not easy. In fact, the world, Satan, and our flesh all pull us away from gratitude and thankfulness but God draws us into it.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
- Psalm 107:1
“Then I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving.”
- Psalm 69:30
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Grateful - Thankful - Blessed
Let us do much more than to simply look at these words as seasonal decorations
Instead, let us paint them on our hearts and wear them on our lips!
As we lead up to Thanksgiving, we spot these words everywhere. In fact, I spy two of them just sitting here in my home thanks to my cozy fall decor

Ah, yes … We paint them on signs and wear them on our clothes to portray to the world that we are ever so grateful, thankful, and blessed for the lives we’ve been given.
But are we, really?
•What are the first thoughts that fill our heads in the morning?
— Thank you, Lord, for giving me another day!
— Ugh, my alarm is going off already?! I’m too tired for this!
•How about our attitude towards our job?
— God, thank you for this job I have that provides for myself and those I love!
— My job is so boring. I deserve more money. No one appreciates me.
•Where is our focus as we conclude our day?
— Jesus, praise you for the comfort of my own space, the downtime you provide, and the people I get to enjoy it with!
— Great, more work for me to do… make dinner, clean the dishes, fold the laundry, etc. etc.
It can sound so small to live in a state of appreciation and maybe it is but some of the smalled habits stack up to provide the most power in our lives!
It may be simple but it’s not easy. In fact, the world, Satan, and our flesh all pull us away from gratitude and thankfulness but God draws us into it.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
- Psalm 107:1
“Then I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving.”
- Psalm 69:30
“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Grateful - Thankful - Blessed
Let us do much more than to simply look at these words as seasonal decorations