Daily Devotionals
Thursday, January 18, 2024 (Rachel)
Good Morning, Ladies
Life has its challenges, right? Whenever things get a bit much, I find so much comfort in the song "Strong" by Anne Wilson.
It reminds me that I'm not alone, and I don't have to figure it all out on my own.
“Cause hard, nobody told me life could be so hard
A weary soul with a worn-out heart that's barely beating
But every time I get that feeling
I hit my knees with my hands held high
Saying dear Lord Jesus you know I
Can't do this on my own
I can't do this on my own
Lord knows I've tried but I'm good at falling down
Thank God you're good at picking me up off the ground
The world's gonna try to break me
But I know the one who makes me
I wanna shout a BIG AMEN

The song just whispers, "You're stronger than you think, BECAUSE of Jesus!”
I just love it!
So, here's your mission for today: crank up the volume, let the music be your courage boost. Trust me, it works wonders. I promise
Rachel’s Closet
Better Together
Love, Rachel

Life has its challenges, right? Whenever things get a bit much, I find so much comfort in the song "Strong" by Anne Wilson.
It reminds me that I'm not alone, and I don't have to figure it all out on my own.
“Cause hard, nobody told me life could be so hard
A weary soul with a worn-out heart that's barely beating
But every time I get that feeling
I hit my knees with my hands held high
Saying dear Lord Jesus you know I
Can't do this on my own
I can't do this on my own
Lord knows I've tried but I'm good at falling down
Thank God you're good at picking me up off the ground
The world's gonna try to break me
But I know the one who makes me
I wanna shout a BIG AMEN

The song just whispers, "You're stronger than you think, BECAUSE of Jesus!”
I just love it!
So, here's your mission for today: crank up the volume, let the music be your courage boost. Trust me, it works wonders. I promise

Rachel’s Closet
Better Together
Love, Rachel