Daily Devotionals
Thursday, September 26, 2024 (Rachel)
Good morning, ladies! 
The other day, I was driving home, feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, when a song came on that stopped me in my tracks. As I listened to the lyrics, I felt a wave of peace wash over me in a way I can’t fully explain. I knew I had to share it with you today in case anyone else is feeling like I did that day.
Sometimes, life feels like too much, and fear or worry can take over. But this song reminded me of God’s faithfulness. No matter what we’re going through, we are children of the Mountain Mover!! He has carried us through deeper waters, and He’ll do it again.
If you're feeling anxious, lost, or weighed down, I hope these words lift you up and remind you that God has already gone before you. You have a hope, you have a future, and you are never alone
“I have a hope, I have a future
I'm a child of the Mountain Mover
When my heart is racing deep inside my chest
When I'm underneath the weight of anxiousness
When my fear is raging and I can't catch my breath
I will remember
You are faithful still
You have carried me through deeper waters
Walked beside me through the fire
Faithful still
You have have closed the mouths of bigger lions
Conquered even greater giants
Gone before me and You always will
You are faithful still
God, you saw this long before I ever knew
And your peace is waiting here to see me through
My deliverance is only found in You
So I will surrender
You are faithful still”
Stay encouraged, sweet friend—He is faithful still
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel
Song: “Faithful Still” by 7eventh Time Down

The other day, I was driving home, feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, when a song came on that stopped me in my tracks. As I listened to the lyrics, I felt a wave of peace wash over me in a way I can’t fully explain. I knew I had to share it with you today in case anyone else is feeling like I did that day.
Sometimes, life feels like too much, and fear or worry can take over. But this song reminded me of God’s faithfulness. No matter what we’re going through, we are children of the Mountain Mover!! He has carried us through deeper waters, and He’ll do it again.
If you're feeling anxious, lost, or weighed down, I hope these words lift you up and remind you that God has already gone before you. You have a hope, you have a future, and you are never alone

“I have a hope, I have a future
I'm a child of the Mountain Mover
When my heart is racing deep inside my chest
When I'm underneath the weight of anxiousness
When my fear is raging and I can't catch my breath
I will remember
You are faithful still
You have carried me through deeper waters
Walked beside me through the fire
Faithful still
You have have closed the mouths of bigger lions
Conquered even greater giants
Gone before me and You always will
You are faithful still
God, you saw this long before I ever knew
And your peace is waiting here to see me through
My deliverance is only found in You
So I will surrender
You are faithful still”
Stay encouraged, sweet friend—He is faithful still

Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel
Song: “Faithful Still” by 7eventh Time Down