Daily Devotionals
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 (Aminta)
There is GOOD WORK for you to do today.
Ephesians 2:10 explains:
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
So let me ask, What good work has God called you to do?
Has he asked you to:
Love your family
Love your neighbor
Grind in the workplace
Serve on a ministry team
Give to those in need
Invest in the next generation
Take care of a loved one
Whatever the good work God has asked you to do, it’s an honor to pick up your tools and do the work for him.
My husband and I have been trying to do the good work that God has asked us to do. For several months we have been putting all our time and talents into doing a new job he put in front of us.
And you know what? It’s been hard!
There are days we feel like failures.
There are days we feel like giving up.
There are days we feel like it impossible.
Here’s the truth: just because you are doing God’s good work doesn’t mean it will be easy or awesome. Often, it’s the opposite. Doing God’s good work is difficult!
In the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament, Nehemiah was all about doing God’s good work. He had rallied the people and they were rebuilding the wall that surrounded and protected their city.
It was good work!
However, the enemies around them were trying to attack and destroy their efforts. As a result, each worker had to do double duty:
Nehemiah 4:17-18 tells us:
“…The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. All the builders had a sword belted to their side. The trumpeter stayed with me to sound the alarm.”
A weapon in one hand for defense.
A tool in the other for work.
Two hands.
Two different jobs.
One goal- to do the work God had given them.
Like Nehemiah, we have an enemy who is out to destroy our good works. He tries to steal, kill, and destroy what we toil so hard to do for the Lord. Therefore, as we do our good work, we must also be ready to fight the enemy.
A few strategies are:
Reading and speaking truth.
Asking friends for help when feeling discouraged.
Keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Never giving up.
I’m excited to see what God will do with your efforts today. He has given you special work that only you can do… so, can I invite you to go do his work and make a kingdom impact?
Heavenly Father,
You are a mighty and powerful God who has good plans for his people. Thank you for assigning work just for me. Please send me your Spirit to give me the strength and courage I need to do the good works you prepared for me. Help me to fight the enemy when he tries to interfere and stop my efforts. Send your angels to guard me and use my work for your good. May you receive all the glory!
We are better together,
Ephesians 2:10 explains:
“For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
So let me ask, What good work has God called you to do?
Has he asked you to:
Love your family
Love your neighbor
Grind in the workplace
Serve on a ministry team
Give to those in need
Invest in the next generation
Take care of a loved one
Whatever the good work God has asked you to do, it’s an honor to pick up your tools and do the work for him.
My husband and I have been trying to do the good work that God has asked us to do. For several months we have been putting all our time and talents into doing a new job he put in front of us.
And you know what? It’s been hard!
There are days we feel like failures.
There are days we feel like giving up.
There are days we feel like it impossible.
Here’s the truth: just because you are doing God’s good work doesn’t mean it will be easy or awesome. Often, it’s the opposite. Doing God’s good work is difficult!
In the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament, Nehemiah was all about doing God’s good work. He had rallied the people and they were rebuilding the wall that surrounded and protected their city.
It was good work!
However, the enemies around them were trying to attack and destroy their efforts. As a result, each worker had to do double duty:
Nehemiah 4:17-18 tells us:
“…The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. All the builders had a sword belted to their side. The trumpeter stayed with me to sound the alarm.”
A weapon in one hand for defense.
A tool in the other for work.
Two hands.
Two different jobs.
One goal- to do the work God had given them.
Like Nehemiah, we have an enemy who is out to destroy our good works. He tries to steal, kill, and destroy what we toil so hard to do for the Lord. Therefore, as we do our good work, we must also be ready to fight the enemy.
A few strategies are:
Reading and speaking truth.
Asking friends for help when feeling discouraged.
Keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Never giving up.
I’m excited to see what God will do with your efforts today. He has given you special work that only you can do… so, can I invite you to go do his work and make a kingdom impact?
Heavenly Father,
You are a mighty and powerful God who has good plans for his people. Thank you for assigning work just for me. Please send me your Spirit to give me the strength and courage I need to do the good works you prepared for me. Help me to fight the enemy when he tries to interfere and stop my efforts. Send your angels to guard me and use my work for your good. May you receive all the glory!
We are better together,