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Wednesday, June 19, 2024 (Paula)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
My daughter captured this photo in a recent flight back home. It reminded me that above the thick clouds, the sky is clear, and the sun is always there.❤️

The fact remains that while we are living on earth, we do spend a good portion of our lives under the clouds. “Mama said, there’d be days like this.” Right? Not to disrespect mama, but THE LORD said it first! 😉

In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Perhaps you’re there right now, friend. The clouds have not departed…the rain is still pounding… you are living under the clouds of fading possibilities, missed opportunities, sinking faith, + draining hope.

When all we see with our eyes is clouds and grey, we are tempted to grow disillusioned. We ask ourselves, “Is the sun still even there? Where IS it?”

If you’re in that tough spot right now, let me assure you, the sun is still there in all of its power, strength, and glory, Friend. Even if all you can “see” are clouds right now.

God is here.

I’m going to equip you with a verse today to cling to. I hope that it brings you HOPE! Please don’t think that I’m trying to “fix” all the clouds with a single bible verse, but use it as an encouraging reminder of truth.

“Set your mind on things above. Not on things on the earth.” Col 3:2

It is important to nurture our faith and get our heads above the clouds.

Scripture can renew us in our perspective and knowledge. We DO need to coach ourselves, and surround ourselves with fellow believers who are uplifting us in truth-especially when we are under the gloomy clouds— because behind all the “things” that clutter our view is the One who overcomes darkness.

He is always with you.

A weak and weary faith makes us rely on only the things that we see in the immediate. When the details of life do not clearly line up with our plan we have developed, nurtured, and conceived, it makes it hard to discern how the clouds could ever break!

Total dependence on the Lord requires trusting what we cannot see. He is good— all the time. That is the truth.
“We know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purposes.” Rom 8:28

Remember that the sign of covenant God sent (the rainbow) also came in the clouds. It didn’t come on a sunny, bluebird day. The sign within the clouds holds a promise to every believer.

Let me encourage you to fight for faith and freedom that is ours through Jesus Christ as we strive to remain in His Presence. 

Many of you are participating in a Bible study with us right now that is teaching us to know God intimately. Life requires knowing what He looks like even when the Lord is unseen.

He remains to shine in glory when life is difficult. Faith allows us to see His Light. Hope knows that Love is behind every detail in life. His Promise is in the clouds despite the thunder and rain.

Do not give up your faith, though it may be but a mustard seed in size. God will make much of it, if you lean in and let go of your bitterness and expectations. Though drenched and confused, ask Him to help you with your doubts. Tell him, just as the father of the sick boy pleaded in John 9:24:

“Lord, I believe! Help me overcome my unbelief”
Though it’s paradoxical, it’s where many of us are right now!

He will lovingly and patiently meet us where we are.
The Son of the living God shines warmly and eternally, despite the clouds. I do pray the clouds will break and you’ll catch a glimpse of His light today.

We are better together!


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