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Wednesday, March 13, 2024 (Paula)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
Recently, my daughter and I shared a special sunrise together as we talked about her future.

She is a senior in highschool this year and is having some anxiety about her plans for next fall.

I was able to share my life verse with Paige and I’d like to share it with you this morning too. It’s been one I’ve clung to for years.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

Lean not on your own understanding,

But in all your ways acknowledge Him

and He will direct your paths”
Proverbs 3:5–6

I have to say this one out loud and coach myself in its truth because it’s hard to trust! It’s hard to be dependent on God and not know the plan!  It’s humbling! Trusting is part of the hard good.

I’m going to park it on the very first word in that beloved verse. “TRUST” because it’s the linchpin, the hinge that makes the door to peace swing wide open…

That mighty word- TRUST.

Honestly, a hard word to hold on to when we are at a place where we are not sure what to do.

It’s hard to trust when we are going through something that we just cannot understand.

Scripture teaches us that Trust is not a passive stance. It’s not an inactive waiting-waste-of-time. It’s not a shrug with a “hopeless whatever” when we can’t think of anything else to do to fix our own problem.

Rather, we as believers practice trust in active patience. God unfolds His revelation in His perfect timing. We faithfully walk in His ways. We dedicate our hearts to love and obedience.

Trust is a spiritual posture that is upright and engaged (not slouching and inactive).

Trusting in the difficult times follows a path. We step forward into conversation with God. It’s a journey of relationship that ultimately leads us to worship and deeper faith.

Trust is a remembering and recalling how He’s demonstrated His love and mercy in the past. Trust is re-committing ourselves again to believe in who God truly is and rejoicing in the living hope we have in Him.

He is working for good even when we can’t see the dots connecting.

He is working on all of our futures. He has good plans!

With all your heart. 💜



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