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Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (Paula)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
Recently, my friend Tara and I enjoyed a hard-good work out together.

She scored herself a fancy new kickboxing bag via FB Marketplace and set up an ‘old school boxing gym in her garage.

She invited me over to kick and punch🥊  (Yes. We think this is fun!!)

We donned the gloves and took turns with crosses, jabs, hooks, upper cuts… low kicks, high kicks on the bag, while the other was doing abs, push-ups, burpees, curtsy lunges, and jump squats!

It wasn’t all physical though. I know we both enjoyed the mental discharge of beating the sap out of self-doubts, bad attitudes, and enemy lies that were on our brains.


While music played, timers clocked our minutes, reps, and sets. It was hard, and it was good! We cheered and coached each other on, all along the way!

And let me tell you, we were better together because I think either of us would’ve given up and given in had we not had each other!

We all know from personal experience and scientific research that we push harder and last longer when we have a friend by our side. It’s more meaningful, more inspiring, and more pleasant to share an endeavor of a hard thing with a pal, than to fly solo.

Why would it be any different with our faith?

When we are going through hard things we tend to isolate, shut down, pull back, and disappear.

Don’t go it alone, Sister! Community is Gods idea.

What is the next best thing the Lord may be prompting you to do? You have to play your part too!
reach out?
show up?
plug in?

Transformation happens in community! And guess what? We have community for you at RCCares. You can and will receive encouragement, building up, coaching, cheering on in your faith walk if you want it!

1 Thessalonians 5:8 & 11

(8)But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.

(11)Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Don those gloves 🥊 and say YES to battling the hard parts of your life in a faith community!

We welcome you anytime!

We are better together!


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