Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (Paula)
Occasionally on my hikes at the cabin, I’m lucky enough to see a newborn fawn this time of year.
This little honey was hidden in broad daylight. Born without a scent. Momma deer leaves her baby to help protect it while it is too tiny and clumsy to run along side her. Trouble’s nose can’t find it.
It stays hidden and waiting.
We may not have white spots that help us stay camouflaged from trouble, but as Christians we do have “the Secret Hiding Place”.
Psalm 32:7 says, “You are my hiding place, you will protect me from trouble, you surround me with songs of deliverance.”
And Paul reminds us in Colossians 3: 3-4 “You died, and your life is now HIDDEN with Christ in God” To be sure, the phrase Paul gives in Colossians 3:3 refers to our “Zoe” life, (our spirit life) that is hidden with Christ in God.
The hiding place is not there so we can hide from life — but so that we can find a way through life. He will reveal the way through… that’s His deliverance.
In my study this week, I found it interesting that the word “wait” in Hebrew is the same word used for “hope”. “Those that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint.” Isaiah 30:41.
I think about each of you and where you might find yourselves waiting and hoping today. Are you in a struggle where there is no immediate escape or fix? Perhaps you are troubled with a debilitating illness, an unexpected loss, heartbreaking news concerning a loved one, unrelenting suffering, or unending frustration or stress.
Biblical hope, (the essence of our Hiding Place)is based on the person of Jesus Christ, not on a desired outcome.
That’s the hard truth. Though we pray and hold faith, our faith is in God, not the result “miracle”.
That truth might initially sound terrifying to us who are desperate and waiting for the happy and safe outcome.
Ultimately, for the believer, Peace awaits- no matter what.
Our Hiding Place is a person. The Prince of Peace.
It's when we hide ourselves in Christ that we are strengthened because He takes our weakness and turns it into strength. Troubles threaten our comfort level, but when we find ourselves tucked in Him, our heart and spirits are kept safe and secure. And it's in the hiding place that God reveals his deliverance.
Pray with me:
“Jesus you are our only Hope. Help us stay hidden in you each day. When we are angry or experiencing intense doubt, draw us near. Help our focus steady on you. Remind us that we are seen, protected, and loved by you. Help us to find our strength and hope in you, our Hiding Place.”
We want nothing more than to give glory to God and encourage you today!!!
We are Better Together
This little honey was hidden in broad daylight. Born without a scent. Momma deer leaves her baby to help protect it while it is too tiny and clumsy to run along side her. Trouble’s nose can’t find it.
It stays hidden and waiting.
We may not have white spots that help us stay camouflaged from trouble, but as Christians we do have “the Secret Hiding Place”.
Psalm 32:7 says, “You are my hiding place, you will protect me from trouble, you surround me with songs of deliverance.”
And Paul reminds us in Colossians 3: 3-4 “You died, and your life is now HIDDEN with Christ in God” To be sure, the phrase Paul gives in Colossians 3:3 refers to our “Zoe” life, (our spirit life) that is hidden with Christ in God.
The hiding place is not there so we can hide from life — but so that we can find a way through life. He will reveal the way through… that’s His deliverance.
In my study this week, I found it interesting that the word “wait” in Hebrew is the same word used for “hope”. “Those that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not grow faint.” Isaiah 30:41.
I think about each of you and where you might find yourselves waiting and hoping today. Are you in a struggle where there is no immediate escape or fix? Perhaps you are troubled with a debilitating illness, an unexpected loss, heartbreaking news concerning a loved one, unrelenting suffering, or unending frustration or stress.
Biblical hope, (the essence of our Hiding Place)is based on the person of Jesus Christ, not on a desired outcome.
That’s the hard truth. Though we pray and hold faith, our faith is in God, not the result “miracle”.
That truth might initially sound terrifying to us who are desperate and waiting for the happy and safe outcome.
Ultimately, for the believer, Peace awaits- no matter what.
Our Hiding Place is a person. The Prince of Peace.
It's when we hide ourselves in Christ that we are strengthened because He takes our weakness and turns it into strength. Troubles threaten our comfort level, but when we find ourselves tucked in Him, our heart and spirits are kept safe and secure. And it's in the hiding place that God reveals his deliverance.
Pray with me:
“Jesus you are our only Hope. Help us stay hidden in you each day. When we are angry or experiencing intense doubt, draw us near. Help our focus steady on you. Remind us that we are seen, protected, and loved by you. Help us to find our strength and hope in you, our Hiding Place.”
We want nothing more than to give glory to God and encourage you today!!!
We are Better Together