Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 (Paula)
Did you see the moon last night?
Holy Moonlight!! It lit up the dark sky!
It’s hard to believe that the moon doesn’t even generate any light on its own. It simply reflects it. Moonlight is simply reflected sunlight.
The sun is the real star of the show!
Christ declared “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
The temptation is to wake up and stand up on our own two human feet and run out the door like an independent commander in chief — out on our own… to walk in our own goodness, to flex our own self determined will of what we think is right— thinking we can muster up a flicker of light and love from our own shallow well of goodwill.
Rather, let’s humble ourselves- more like Mary and less like Eve. Allow Christ to be your source of light. Roll out of bed and onto your knees to depend on His source of strength, rather than your own two feet.
Place your self in His will.
Turn your eyes to Him.
Turn your heart to Him.
Draw from Him.
Yield to Him.
Trust in Him.
Walk with Him.
It’s HIS light we need to reflect to this dark world. For He is the light of life. We need to stay close and spend time with Him so that we can be a reflection.
You will encounter darkness in the world today, I guarantee it. I challenge you to “Moon ‘em” today !

“Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, as you hold firmly to the message that gives life.” -Philippians 2:15-16 CEV
We are better together!


It’s hard to believe that the moon doesn’t even generate any light on its own. It simply reflects it. Moonlight is simply reflected sunlight.
The sun is the real star of the show!
Christ declared “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
The temptation is to wake up and stand up on our own two human feet and run out the door like an independent commander in chief — out on our own… to walk in our own goodness, to flex our own self determined will of what we think is right— thinking we can muster up a flicker of light and love from our own shallow well of goodwill.
Rather, let’s humble ourselves- more like Mary and less like Eve. Allow Christ to be your source of light. Roll out of bed and onto your knees to depend on His source of strength, rather than your own two feet.
Place your self in His will.
Turn your eyes to Him.
Turn your heart to Him.
Draw from Him.
Yield to Him.
Trust in Him.
Walk with Him.
It’s HIS light we need to reflect to this dark world. For He is the light of life. We need to stay close and spend time with Him so that we can be a reflection.
You will encounter darkness in the world today, I guarantee it. I challenge you to “Moon ‘em” today !

“Try to shine as lights among the people of this world, as you hold firmly to the message that gives life.” -Philippians 2:15-16 CEV
We are better together!