Daily Devotionals
Friday, April 26, 2024 (Ashley)
Our Wednesday night children's ministry at church, BLAST (Building Lives Around Sound Truth) is wrapping up for the school year. This past week, I got a sneak peek of the kids practicing for the closing ceremony performance. My heart swells even now, thinking about it... Remind me to pack A LOT of Kleenex because this mama is going to need them 

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
– Matthew 18:20
As I walked in and saw children aged 3 to 5th grade, all lined up on stage, praising God, my heart was filled with joy. And I’m talking about the really good stuff, the kind that actually warms your chest, brings a smile to your face, and tears to your eyes. These children are praising the Lord in more ways than one and I couldn’t help but think how delighted it must make our Heavenly Father.
Delighted by the words they are singing like, “My God is so big and so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do!”
Delighted by their praise motions like throwing their arms in the air and jumping in excitement at his mighty power!
Delighted by their innocence, authenticity, and true worship!
Delighted by their sweet little hearts spreading the gospel by inviting parents and grandparents to come sit in church to watch what they have been working on throughout the year to deepen their walk with the Lord.
If this sight brings me this amount of joy, just as a sinner and earthly parent, it’s almost unimaginable how God must feel as the Heavenly Father of each one of these sweet kids.
Next generations, learning about scripture, growing their relationship with Christ, and praising the Great I Am for all of his glory and power… I’m willing to bet that it might just be one of his favorite things!
Praise God for creating us the way he did. That he allows us to be a little like him in loving, guiding, and protecting the little ones he has entrusted us with. Like everything he does for us, we get to see just a tiny sliver of what he sees when he looks at us in Complete Pure Love.
“Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth! Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”
– Psalm 100:1-3
Have a beautiful weekend, Friends.

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
– Matthew 18:20
As I walked in and saw children aged 3 to 5th grade, all lined up on stage, praising God, my heart was filled with joy. And I’m talking about the really good stuff, the kind that actually warms your chest, brings a smile to your face, and tears to your eyes. These children are praising the Lord in more ways than one and I couldn’t help but think how delighted it must make our Heavenly Father.
Delighted by the words they are singing like, “My God is so big and so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do!”
Delighted by their praise motions like throwing their arms in the air and jumping in excitement at his mighty power!
Delighted by their innocence, authenticity, and true worship!
Delighted by their sweet little hearts spreading the gospel by inviting parents and grandparents to come sit in church to watch what they have been working on throughout the year to deepen their walk with the Lord.
If this sight brings me this amount of joy, just as a sinner and earthly parent, it’s almost unimaginable how God must feel as the Heavenly Father of each one of these sweet kids.
Next generations, learning about scripture, growing their relationship with Christ, and praising the Great I Am for all of his glory and power… I’m willing to bet that it might just be one of his favorite things!

Praise God for creating us the way he did. That he allows us to be a little like him in loving, guiding, and protecting the little ones he has entrusted us with. Like everything he does for us, we get to see just a tiny sliver of what he sees when he looks at us in Complete Pure Love.
“Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth! Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”
– Psalm 100:1-3
Have a beautiful weekend, Friends.