Daily Devotionals
Friday, August 23, 2024 (Ashley)
A couple of months ago, I found myself waking up in the middle of the night with anxious thoughts
I decided to start listening to sermons before bed. I have done this on and off and wanted to equip my mind for those mid-sleep battles. It’s been working great!
One topic that continued to repeat itself was listening to God. I have to be honest, I have never spent much time trying to listen to God. I spend a lot of time talking, telling, and asking of God but listening? That’s not really one of my strong suits
But, it was official – I was convicted. It seemed like no matter who I listened to or what their sermon was about, the topic continued to creep into my heart.
“What if you set aside time to just sit with, and listen to the Lord, Ashley? What could happen?”
So, for the past week, before I pop out of bed, I have set aside 15 minutes to lay and listen to the Lord. And do you know what He’s been saying to me???
Nothing… Really… Yet…
BUT… hang with me here…
Something is happening!
By devoting something as small as the first fifteen minutes of my day and disciplining my mind to simply be quiet and sit with him, I can honestly say that I do feel him pruning away at my flesh!
This is embarrassing to admit but we’re all friends here so I can be honest. The first morning, I sat there listening for God to actually guide my inner questions…
Like, maybe He was going to tell me about my next big step in life! Or perhaps He was going to give me a clue of some magical secret to lose ten pounds and reverse my aging face!
The things I was looking to get out of my quiet time with the Lord are honestly laughable! Even while being intentional about listening to the Lord, I was looking for Him to provide me with some sort of fulfillment.
That’s how sinful our hearts are
But even in my selfish attempt to spend time with him, God has blessed me by grounding me and bringing me a sense of peace I really wasn’t expecting.
That’s how loving our God is
So I encourage you to set aside a little time to hear from the Lord today!
And if He shares any anti-aging advice with you, remember who sent you

One topic that continued to repeat itself was listening to God. I have to be honest, I have never spent much time trying to listen to God. I spend a lot of time talking, telling, and asking of God but listening? That’s not really one of my strong suits

But, it was official – I was convicted. It seemed like no matter who I listened to or what their sermon was about, the topic continued to creep into my heart.
“What if you set aside time to just sit with, and listen to the Lord, Ashley? What could happen?”
So, for the past week, before I pop out of bed, I have set aside 15 minutes to lay and listen to the Lord. And do you know what He’s been saying to me???
Nothing… Really… Yet…
BUT… hang with me here…
Something is happening!
By devoting something as small as the first fifteen minutes of my day and disciplining my mind to simply be quiet and sit with him, I can honestly say that I do feel him pruning away at my flesh!
This is embarrassing to admit but we’re all friends here so I can be honest. The first morning, I sat there listening for God to actually guide my inner questions…
Like, maybe He was going to tell me about my next big step in life! Or perhaps He was going to give me a clue of some magical secret to lose ten pounds and reverse my aging face!
The things I was looking to get out of my quiet time with the Lord are honestly laughable! Even while being intentional about listening to the Lord, I was looking for Him to provide me with some sort of fulfillment.
That’s how sinful our hearts are

But even in my selfish attempt to spend time with him, God has blessed me by grounding me and bringing me a sense of peace I really wasn’t expecting.
That’s how loving our God is

So I encourage you to set aside a little time to hear from the Lord today!
And if He shares any anti-aging advice with you, remember who sent you