Daily Devotionals
Thursday, August 22, 2024 (Rachel)
Good morning, ladies!
This may seem like a funny picture to post, but there's a story behind it. A couple of weekends ago, we traveled to Mason City, Iowa, for our first out-of-state overnight barrel race. When I went to register, the stalls were full and we were offered the option of a tie out, meaning we could tie our horses to the trailer overnight.
Our trainer and friend assured us that it was fine, so Josh set up a portable hot wire for a temporary fence. During the day, the horses could roam, but at night, we had to tie them to the trailer with the fence as a backup.
Now, our mares are bossy, cranky, and not always the kindest to each other. When it came time to tie them up, I was a mess of anxiety, worried they might get hurt, break loose, or be uncomfortable. As I lay in the trailer, unable to sleep, I shared my worries with Josh. In his patient and gentle voice, he whispered, “It’s okay, I’m not worried. I got it all handled, now get some rest.”
This brought tears to my eyes because he was so right—everything went perfectly without any problems. As I reflected on this, I couldn't help but wonder how many times the Lord has whispered the same to me.
Ladies, sometimes we carry so much worry, but let this be a reminder that we’re never truly alone in our challenges. There’s always a hand guiding us, even when we feel uncertain. Trust, rest, and know that it's all handled.
“Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 TPT
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel
This may seem like a funny picture to post, but there's a story behind it. A couple of weekends ago, we traveled to Mason City, Iowa, for our first out-of-state overnight barrel race. When I went to register, the stalls were full and we were offered the option of a tie out, meaning we could tie our horses to the trailer overnight.
Our trainer and friend assured us that it was fine, so Josh set up a portable hot wire for a temporary fence. During the day, the horses could roam, but at night, we had to tie them to the trailer with the fence as a backup.
Now, our mares are bossy, cranky, and not always the kindest to each other. When it came time to tie them up, I was a mess of anxiety, worried they might get hurt, break loose, or be uncomfortable. As I lay in the trailer, unable to sleep, I shared my worries with Josh. In his patient and gentle voice, he whispered, “It’s okay, I’m not worried. I got it all handled, now get some rest.”
This brought tears to my eyes because he was so right—everything went perfectly without any problems. As I reflected on this, I couldn't help but wonder how many times the Lord has whispered the same to me.
Ladies, sometimes we carry so much worry, but let this be a reminder that we’re never truly alone in our challenges. There’s always a hand guiding us, even when we feel uncertain. Trust, rest, and know that it's all handled.

“Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 TPT
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel