Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 (Paula)
Do you need to pour out your heart to God today?
David is an example for us. David, “a man after Gods own heart” - was the one God inspired to pen the liberating words of Psalm 62:8, which says, “Trust in him at all times, O people. POUR OUT your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”
If you read the Psalms, you will soon discover that David practiced what he preached!
We, like David (and countless others in scripture) can pour out our hearts about our hurts to our Refuge.
Psalm 64:1 David said “hear me, oh God as I voice my complaint“
Psalm 142: 1-2 David wrote, “I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him, before him, I tell my trouble.”
Note that the psalm did not qualify it with the words, “pour out your heart to God IF what’s inside is nice and sweet.”
The concept of “pouring out” suggest that some of the contents in our hearts need to go – like hurt, anger, despair, doubt, bitterness, unforgiveness, and confusion. The idea is to pour out the bitter waters that well up in our hearts so that God can pour wellsprings of living waters back in.
The purpose of our pouring out to God is to lead us to healing and restoration… instead of spewing toxicity and bitterness onto those around us. When we are intimate with God and open our hearts up, we let Him in to do His work. This pouring replaces the lock down behavior of staying stuck and imprisoned by our hurts (especially those caused by others). Our hurts can become healed and whole in the hands of our Good Shepherd and Great Physician.
We just finished a summer study about growing in intimacy with the Lord by discovering Jesus’ character as described in the book of John. We took a deep dive into what Jesus thought, said, and did by weeks of examination.
God, on the other hand, doesn’t need to do a deep dive on us. He already knows us intimately.
That thing that’s overwhelming you right now? He knows.
That person you are struggling with? He knows.
That thing you need to forgive? He knows.
That hurt that drives you to hot anger? He knows.
That heartbreak that led to more heartbreak? He knows.
Pour out your heart and give it to Him… resist giving it to your BFF, or your mom, or another human… they are your supporters but they are not your healers!
Give it to your Good Father. Articulate your feelings as you abide in Him. And as you talk it out with God (prayer and journal and scripture) His Holy Spirit will counsel your heart and mind.
Have a blessed day. I’m praying for you to overcome the bondage of your deepest hurts!
Better Together
David is an example for us. David, “a man after Gods own heart” - was the one God inspired to pen the liberating words of Psalm 62:8, which says, “Trust in him at all times, O people. POUR OUT your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”
If you read the Psalms, you will soon discover that David practiced what he preached!
We, like David (and countless others in scripture) can pour out our hearts about our hurts to our Refuge.
Psalm 64:1 David said “hear me, oh God as I voice my complaint“
Psalm 142: 1-2 David wrote, “I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him, before him, I tell my trouble.”
Note that the psalm did not qualify it with the words, “pour out your heart to God IF what’s inside is nice and sweet.”
The concept of “pouring out” suggest that some of the contents in our hearts need to go – like hurt, anger, despair, doubt, bitterness, unforgiveness, and confusion. The idea is to pour out the bitter waters that well up in our hearts so that God can pour wellsprings of living waters back in.
The purpose of our pouring out to God is to lead us to healing and restoration… instead of spewing toxicity and bitterness onto those around us. When we are intimate with God and open our hearts up, we let Him in to do His work. This pouring replaces the lock down behavior of staying stuck and imprisoned by our hurts (especially those caused by others). Our hurts can become healed and whole in the hands of our Good Shepherd and Great Physician.
We just finished a summer study about growing in intimacy with the Lord by discovering Jesus’ character as described in the book of John. We took a deep dive into what Jesus thought, said, and did by weeks of examination.
God, on the other hand, doesn’t need to do a deep dive on us. He already knows us intimately.
That thing that’s overwhelming you right now? He knows.
That person you are struggling with? He knows.
That thing you need to forgive? He knows.
That hurt that drives you to hot anger? He knows.
That heartbreak that led to more heartbreak? He knows.
Pour out your heart and give it to Him… resist giving it to your BFF, or your mom, or another human… they are your supporters but they are not your healers!
Give it to your Good Father. Articulate your feelings as you abide in Him. And as you talk it out with God (prayer and journal and scripture) His Holy Spirit will counsel your heart and mind.
Have a blessed day. I’m praying for you to overcome the bondage of your deepest hurts!
Better Together