Daily Devotionals
Friday, August 9, 2024 (Ashley)
A month ago, we said goodbye to our family dog, as some of you already know
We had Gus for eleven wonderful years! We rescued him not long after we were married, making him our only babe until four years later when our daughter, Ellery, was born. He was very special to my husband and I (and Ellery of course) and as you can imagine, saying goodbye was heartbreaking.
However, this past weekend we adopted a new puppy. Friends, I’d like you to introduce you to our sweet boy, Leroy Lind
Since falling in love with his bio a couple weeks ago, we filled out an application, had a phone interview, and went to meet him on Saturday. We were instantly in love and he’s been home ever since.
It’s only been a month since Gus has been gone and only a week since Leroy arrived and yet our hearts feel like they have been healed.
It may sound silly but I haven’t been able to shake how much this process has reminded me of the cruixifiction and ressurection.
As our family has been going through this, our Monday night Bible Study has also been wrapping up the gospel of John. At the same time, Ellery and I have been ending our Summer Bible reading and we too, just finished the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven.
Something so devastating…
Followed by something so amazing …
Brings a bright and hopeful promise!
Much like our hearts broke when we had to say goodbye to Gus, they are now rejoicing with the love of Leroy!
Examples of this trial and peace balance really are everywhere in our daily lives! Some are small and some quite large but the reminder that we don’t have to stay in the darkness of the hurt is so powerful.
If you are sitting in a “Good Friday” of life right now, I’m here to remind you that your “Sunday” is coming!!! The wait can be painful but I promise you, you are never alone.
The tomb is empty!
Jesus lives!
And He’s coming back again!
Take rest in Him today—

However, this past weekend we adopted a new puppy. Friends, I’d like you to introduce you to our sweet boy, Leroy Lind

Since falling in love with his bio a couple weeks ago, we filled out an application, had a phone interview, and went to meet him on Saturday. We were instantly in love and he’s been home ever since.
It’s only been a month since Gus has been gone and only a week since Leroy arrived and yet our hearts feel like they have been healed.
It may sound silly but I haven’t been able to shake how much this process has reminded me of the cruixifiction and ressurection.
As our family has been going through this, our Monday night Bible Study has also been wrapping up the gospel of John. At the same time, Ellery and I have been ending our Summer Bible reading and we too, just finished the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven.
Something so devastating…
Followed by something so amazing …
Brings a bright and hopeful promise!
Much like our hearts broke when we had to say goodbye to Gus, they are now rejoicing with the love of Leroy!
Examples of this trial and peace balance really are everywhere in our daily lives! Some are small and some quite large but the reminder that we don’t have to stay in the darkness of the hurt is so powerful.
If you are sitting in a “Good Friday” of life right now, I’m here to remind you that your “Sunday” is coming!!! The wait can be painful but I promise you, you are never alone.
The tomb is empty!
Jesus lives!
And He’s coming back again!
Take rest in Him today—