Daily Devotionals
Thursday, August 8, 2024 (Rachel)
Good morning, ladies!
Last week, I found myself tangled up in a situation that left me an anxious mess. The “what ifs” kept playing on repeat in my mind, and I couldn’t seem to shake it. I tried everything I could think of to fix it, but nothing worked. It consumed me so much that I struggled to be present with my family. Have you ever felt that way?
Well, I want to share something that helped me in that moment. I started talking back to my anxious thoughts. It might sound silly, but here’s what I began to rehearse and focus on:
God is bigger than this storm. He can solve this all.
I am never alone; He is with me in this.
Nothing is too hard for Him.
He holds the entire universe, and He’s holding me too.
He will make a way through; He always does.
God loves me deeply, and He will never leave me.
I literally repeated these truths almost minute by minute. And before I knew it, a peace washed over me that I can’t even begin to describe. By focusing on Him and these truths, I felt better, stronger, and safer.
If you're ever caught in the same whirlwind, I encourage you to talk back to those anxious thoughts. Shift your focus to these powerful truths, and let that peace take over.
If you ever need prayer or a listening ear, please reach out. You matter to us and we care! Have a blessed day and we’re glad you’re here!
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel
Last week, I found myself tangled up in a situation that left me an anxious mess. The “what ifs” kept playing on repeat in my mind, and I couldn’t seem to shake it. I tried everything I could think of to fix it, but nothing worked. It consumed me so much that I struggled to be present with my family. Have you ever felt that way?
Well, I want to share something that helped me in that moment. I started talking back to my anxious thoughts. It might sound silly, but here’s what I began to rehearse and focus on:
God is bigger than this storm. He can solve this all.
I am never alone; He is with me in this.
Nothing is too hard for Him.
He holds the entire universe, and He’s holding me too.
He will make a way through; He always does.
God loves me deeply, and He will never leave me.
I literally repeated these truths almost minute by minute. And before I knew it, a peace washed over me that I can’t even begin to describe. By focusing on Him and these truths, I felt better, stronger, and safer.
If you're ever caught in the same whirlwind, I encourage you to talk back to those anxious thoughts. Shift your focus to these powerful truths, and let that peace take over.

If you ever need prayer or a listening ear, please reach out. You matter to us and we care! Have a blessed day and we’re glad you’re here!
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel