Daily Devotionals
Friday, January 5, 2024 (Ashley)
Good morning, ladies and happy Friday!
I don’t know about you but it feels like life is settling back into a routine and I, for one, am loving it. As I’ve been getting back on track with the day to day, I have also been evaluating all sorts of areas in my life. Things like diet, exercise, hobbies, decluttering, relationships… you name it. Today's big task is to recalculate the family budget… and I’m actually excited about it
Any other nerds in the group like me?!?!?
As I have been sifting through these many different areas in my life, I have realized that some things are calling for a change. And have you ever noticed that change is something that can often be stressful, cause anxiousness, or just be down right scary? Why is that? Change is also something that can bring excitement, new opportunities, and deeper growth. So why do we fight it so much?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord.
- Jeremiah 29:11-14
God knows the future and we should be full of hope that his plans for our lives are GOOD! Yes, because we live in a sinful, fallen world, there will be pain, suffering, and hardship. But when we are walking with the Lord, we can count on him to see us through to triumphant outcomes!
There is a catch, did you catch it above? “WHEN YOU PRAY, I will listen.” “IF YOU LOOK FOR ME WHOLEHEARTEDLY, you will find me.” The Bible tells us that when, and only when, we look to God to direct our paths, inviting him into our lives in order for us to fulfill the mission he has for us, will this be true.
If we expect God to have GOOD plans for our lives, we need to be actively asking him for guidance. We need to be welcoming of the idea of change. We need to be striving to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives daily.
So where do you stand on the changes that may be coming your way in 2024? Are you praying and looking for him to guide you in these areas? As I took an audit of where my life is, I decided that I was going to trust God with every single change. Does this mean there will be no pain, hardship or struggle? Absolutely not. BUT … through each change, I am trusting that God will deliver unbelievable goodness in my life and the purpose he has for me.
Therefore, I encourage you to look at the change in your life differently this year too and trust that he is doing something remarkably good for you as well .
I don’t know about you but it feels like life is settling back into a routine and I, for one, am loving it. As I’ve been getting back on track with the day to day, I have also been evaluating all sorts of areas in my life. Things like diet, exercise, hobbies, decluttering, relationships… you name it. Today's big task is to recalculate the family budget… and I’m actually excited about it

As I have been sifting through these many different areas in my life, I have realized that some things are calling for a change. And have you ever noticed that change is something that can often be stressful, cause anxiousness, or just be down right scary? Why is that? Change is also something that can bring excitement, new opportunities, and deeper growth. So why do we fight it so much?
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord.
- Jeremiah 29:11-14
God knows the future and we should be full of hope that his plans for our lives are GOOD! Yes, because we live in a sinful, fallen world, there will be pain, suffering, and hardship. But when we are walking with the Lord, we can count on him to see us through to triumphant outcomes!
There is a catch, did you catch it above? “WHEN YOU PRAY, I will listen.” “IF YOU LOOK FOR ME WHOLEHEARTEDLY, you will find me.” The Bible tells us that when, and only when, we look to God to direct our paths, inviting him into our lives in order for us to fulfill the mission he has for us, will this be true.
If we expect God to have GOOD plans for our lives, we need to be actively asking him for guidance. We need to be welcoming of the idea of change. We need to be striving to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives daily.
So where do you stand on the changes that may be coming your way in 2024? Are you praying and looking for him to guide you in these areas? As I took an audit of where my life is, I decided that I was going to trust God with every single change. Does this mean there will be no pain, hardship or struggle? Absolutely not. BUT … through each change, I am trusting that God will deliver unbelievable goodness in my life and the purpose he has for me.
Therefore, I encourage you to look at the change in your life differently this year too and trust that he is doing something remarkably good for you as well .