Daily Devotionals
Friday, June 7, 2024 (Ashley)
This weekend, our family is kicking off Summer with our annual mini vacation up north 

Every year we look forward to our time spent on the lake but truth be told, one of our favorite parts is the TRIP up to the cabin!
It takes us about five hours when it’s all said and done to make the three-hour haul. We take our sweet time to stop for all the treats, leg stretches, and views. The entire experience wouldn’t be as special as it is without the journey up there
We hear this about life all the time but too often take it for granted…
“It's not the destination, it's the journey” is a quote famously attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson the American philosopher. It’s a quote that has stuck with me since I first heard it in a college lit course.
Yesterday, before we packed up to go, the girls learned about the Bible account of, “The Deadly Dance” and how John the Baptist was beheaded. Although John was murdered without fair understanding to us, he had fulfilled his mighty earthly purpose with our Heavenly Father.
The sobering truth is that none of us know the death date that has already been set for us. We can’t see the big picture while we’re on this side of heaven. But we can rest assured that being in Heaven with Christ is the true destination for all of us and that our daily lives are the journey to getting there!
Breathe, love, and appreciate the little things.
Hug the ones you love.
Say, “I’m sorry”.
Mean it.
Open His Word.
Give Him your heart.
Someday we will all reach the destination of Heaven and it will be the journey that we’ll look back on and realize was the true gift of life.
I pray that you LIVE with purpose today and every day –
Have a beautiful weekend!

Every year we look forward to our time spent on the lake but truth be told, one of our favorite parts is the TRIP up to the cabin!
It takes us about five hours when it’s all said and done to make the three-hour haul. We take our sweet time to stop for all the treats, leg stretches, and views. The entire experience wouldn’t be as special as it is without the journey up there

We hear this about life all the time but too often take it for granted…
“It's not the destination, it's the journey” is a quote famously attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson the American philosopher. It’s a quote that has stuck with me since I first heard it in a college lit course.
Yesterday, before we packed up to go, the girls learned about the Bible account of, “The Deadly Dance” and how John the Baptist was beheaded. Although John was murdered without fair understanding to us, he had fulfilled his mighty earthly purpose with our Heavenly Father.
The sobering truth is that none of us know the death date that has already been set for us. We can’t see the big picture while we’re on this side of heaven. But we can rest assured that being in Heaven with Christ is the true destination for all of us and that our daily lives are the journey to getting there!
Breathe, love, and appreciate the little things.
Hug the ones you love.
Say, “I’m sorry”.
Mean it.
Open His Word.
Give Him your heart.
Someday we will all reach the destination of Heaven and it will be the journey that we’ll look back on and realize was the true gift of life.
I pray that you LIVE with purpose today and every day –
Have a beautiful weekend!