Daily Devotionals
Friday, May 17, 2024 (Ashley)
Last Monday we wrapped up our Spring Bible Study, “Good Boundaries and Goodbyes” by Lysa Terkeurst. I deeply enjoyed this study and can’t wait to start our Summer one – stay tuned for that announcement very soon!
Throughout Lysa’s study, she mentioned a particular concept that really struck me. Lysa says that we endure many deaths in life that never receive a proper funeral. Deaths like divorce, loved ones moving away, or relationships that shift and change making them no longer exist the way they once did. You can probably think of a few others on your own but Lysa does make a great point here!
Our family is currently a part of some big changes that have us saying goodbye to the way things were. This goodbye is heartbreaking to me because I personally, loved the way things were! If it were up to me, these goodbyes would not be happening!
But change has always been a hard one for therefore why am I surprised? Growing up, I was a child who endured many divorces and the instability of it all has definitely left some scars. And if I’m being honest, this particular goodbye I am facing now has left me quite crushed and brokenhearted
But there is good news …
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”
-Psalm 34:18
This part of the goodbye might sting a little more than I wished it did but I know this isn’t the Lord's plan for my life and I know that He won’t leave me here! In fact, through deep conversations with trusted loved ones, prayers from those who are aware of this struggle, and leaning on Him in my own times of weakness, I feel Him close to me and rescuing my spirit each and every day!
Praise God!!
And in fact, the concept of giving this particular goodbye a proper funeral has been very life-giving and freeing for me! I have begun to allow my heart to mourn what was with Jesus by my side. I have been thanking God for all the wonderful times while trusting that He will provide more. I am constantly working on freely giving my fears to God for what is coming so I can get excited about seeing where His plans lead us next instead!
What about you… Is there an area in your life that needs a proper funeral? A time to mourn what was and to give your brokenness to Jesus?
Friend, He is always close to you, just waiting to rescue your crushed spirit. Let today be the day that you turn to him and allow Him to help you with the tough goodbyes of life. This isn’t His only plan for your life and He will not leave you here!
Have a beautiful weekend,
Throughout Lysa’s study, she mentioned a particular concept that really struck me. Lysa says that we endure many deaths in life that never receive a proper funeral. Deaths like divorce, loved ones moving away, or relationships that shift and change making them no longer exist the way they once did. You can probably think of a few others on your own but Lysa does make a great point here!
Our family is currently a part of some big changes that have us saying goodbye to the way things were. This goodbye is heartbreaking to me because I personally, loved the way things were! If it were up to me, these goodbyes would not be happening!
But change has always been a hard one for therefore why am I surprised? Growing up, I was a child who endured many divorces and the instability of it all has definitely left some scars. And if I’m being honest, this particular goodbye I am facing now has left me quite crushed and brokenhearted

But there is good news …
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”
-Psalm 34:18
This part of the goodbye might sting a little more than I wished it did but I know this isn’t the Lord's plan for my life and I know that He won’t leave me here! In fact, through deep conversations with trusted loved ones, prayers from those who are aware of this struggle, and leaning on Him in my own times of weakness, I feel Him close to me and rescuing my spirit each and every day!

And in fact, the concept of giving this particular goodbye a proper funeral has been very life-giving and freeing for me! I have begun to allow my heart to mourn what was with Jesus by my side. I have been thanking God for all the wonderful times while trusting that He will provide more. I am constantly working on freely giving my fears to God for what is coming so I can get excited about seeing where His plans lead us next instead!
What about you… Is there an area in your life that needs a proper funeral? A time to mourn what was and to give your brokenness to Jesus?
Friend, He is always close to you, just waiting to rescue your crushed spirit. Let today be the day that you turn to him and allow Him to help you with the tough goodbyes of life. This isn’t His only plan for your life and He will not leave you here!
Have a beautiful weekend,