Daily Devotionals
Friday, May 24, 2024 (Ashley)
Today is the kick-off of the beginning of a long holiday weekend – Happy Memorial Day!!!
Many of you are packing up or have already arrived to spend some time away from home. Maybe you’re vacationing at a family cabin, or you’ve rented a campsite for the weekend. Either way, most of you probably have some sort of traditional plans… honoring loved ones, taking that annual flower shopping trip, or just simply barbecuing with friends and family. I am truly wishing you all a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!
And as we “kick-off” our summer, as this weekend usually marks… I want to encourage each of you to enter this new season with new a intention as well… the intention to notice the little things!
Lately, God has opened my eyes and reminded me how precious the little things really are. Sometimes our daily to-do’s have a way of distracting us so much that we lose sight of the moments that make up our life! These moments are blessings and should be appreciated as such!
Take my freshly mowed grass for instance… When we moved out to our current property, the bank had previously owned the home and had not kept up with the yard. We moved into our home during the winter so you can imagine our surprise come Spring time when most of our lawn was basically a wheat field
We put in a lot of hard work that first Spring and I loved it. I was so happy to own our first house and was determined to make it a home that we would enjoy.
Fast forward to nine years later and here we are faced with another Spring to tend to the yard. If I’m being honest, as the years have passed, not every yard project has filled us with the same happiness or made us jump for joy with appreciation… remember, our daily to-do’s have a way of distracting us. But last night, I took a moment to appreciate the fresh grass for the blessing that it is
It fills my heart with JOY! Something so small and so simple truly makes my heart dance!
Your little thing might not be a freshly mowed lawn this weekend, but I promise you, there will be many if you look for them! Maybe it’s your aunt bringing your favorite salad to the barbeque, maybe it’s the memory of a loved one who is no longer here, maybe it’s bonding time with your kids, maybe it’s the spring flowers that bloom so beautifully for just a short while… these little things are EVERYWHERE. And when you set your intention to look for them, you will find them.
“Keep your eyes focused on what is right, and look straight ahead to what is good. Be careful what you do, and always do what is right.”
- Proverbs 4:25-27
My prayer is that you notice some of the little things this weekend and celebrate them for the blessings that they truly are!
Many of you are packing up or have already arrived to spend some time away from home. Maybe you’re vacationing at a family cabin, or you’ve rented a campsite for the weekend. Either way, most of you probably have some sort of traditional plans… honoring loved ones, taking that annual flower shopping trip, or just simply barbecuing with friends and family. I am truly wishing you all a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

And as we “kick-off” our summer, as this weekend usually marks… I want to encourage each of you to enter this new season with new a intention as well… the intention to notice the little things!
Lately, God has opened my eyes and reminded me how precious the little things really are. Sometimes our daily to-do’s have a way of distracting us so much that we lose sight of the moments that make up our life! These moments are blessings and should be appreciated as such!
Take my freshly mowed grass for instance… When we moved out to our current property, the bank had previously owned the home and had not kept up with the yard. We moved into our home during the winter so you can imagine our surprise come Spring time when most of our lawn was basically a wheat field

Fast forward to nine years later and here we are faced with another Spring to tend to the yard. If I’m being honest, as the years have passed, not every yard project has filled us with the same happiness or made us jump for joy with appreciation… remember, our daily to-do’s have a way of distracting us. But last night, I took a moment to appreciate the fresh grass for the blessing that it is

Your little thing might not be a freshly mowed lawn this weekend, but I promise you, there will be many if you look for them! Maybe it’s your aunt bringing your favorite salad to the barbeque, maybe it’s the memory of a loved one who is no longer here, maybe it’s bonding time with your kids, maybe it’s the spring flowers that bloom so beautifully for just a short while… these little things are EVERYWHERE. And when you set your intention to look for them, you will find them.
“Keep your eyes focused on what is right, and look straight ahead to what is good. Be careful what you do, and always do what is right.”
- Proverbs 4:25-27
My prayer is that you notice some of the little things this weekend and celebrate them for the blessings that they truly are!