Daily Devotionals
Friday, November 8, 2024 (Ashley)
Something about the month of
is hitting me differently this year.
In the past, it’s as if I sprinted out of October and landed right into December. Sure, November has Thanksgiving but as a Black Friday traditionalist, that holiday has always put more emphasis on Christmas than Thanksgiving in my extended family.
There’s also that little thing called, daylight savings time, which has never been my favorite. The decrease of sunlight and day time hours has even left me feeling kind of depressed in the past.
But this November… It’s almost as if God has given me a new set of eyes to see through

The somber mornings have me hitting the snooze button without the guilt.
The stillness in the air has often allowed my morning walks to turn into woodsy rest and reflection sessions.
The darkening evenings has kept our family home, lounging in comfy clothes, leaving more time to read, journal, cuddle and share in deep conversation.
Yep, I have totally fallen into the coziness of November and have been blessed by the peace and quiet it has brung!
Perhaps, this has always been God’s intention for us… For he himself even rested after six days of creating the earth. Do you think our all powerful God needed this break? I highly doubt it. He was showing us the importance of rest and renewal!
Go to bed earlier.
Wake up later.
Spend time in nature.
Read more.
Pray often.
Sit in silence.
Rest in HIM.
“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me besides peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” -Psalm 23:2-3
Sisters, allow this verse to cover your Novmeber like a warm, soft, blanket. Take time to rest, be led to peace, and allow him to renew your strength.
For HE is where our real rest comes from!
Blessings over your November –

In the past, it’s as if I sprinted out of October and landed right into December. Sure, November has Thanksgiving but as a Black Friday traditionalist, that holiday has always put more emphasis on Christmas than Thanksgiving in my extended family.
There’s also that little thing called, daylight savings time, which has never been my favorite. The decrease of sunlight and day time hours has even left me feeling kind of depressed in the past.
But this November… It’s almost as if God has given me a new set of eyes to see through

The somber mornings have me hitting the snooze button without the guilt.

The stillness in the air has often allowed my morning walks to turn into woodsy rest and reflection sessions.

The darkening evenings has kept our family home, lounging in comfy clothes, leaving more time to read, journal, cuddle and share in deep conversation.

Yep, I have totally fallen into the coziness of November and have been blessed by the peace and quiet it has brung!
Perhaps, this has always been God’s intention for us… For he himself even rested after six days of creating the earth. Do you think our all powerful God needed this break? I highly doubt it. He was showing us the importance of rest and renewal!
Go to bed earlier.
Wake up later.
Spend time in nature.
Read more.
Pray often.
Sit in silence.
Rest in HIM.
“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me besides peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.” -Psalm 23:2-3
Sisters, allow this verse to cover your Novmeber like a warm, soft, blanket. Take time to rest, be led to peace, and allow him to renew your strength.
For HE is where our real rest comes from!
Blessings over your November –