Daily Devotionals
Friday, September 13, 2024 (Ashley)
This summer has marked a lot of change for our family … and have I mentioned I struggle with change?? 
We are an only child family but my husband’s brother lives right next door and he has five of them!
Well, this summer my nieces, nephews, and daughter have all seemed to reach an age that has ended an era.
In what seems like the blink of an eye, we’ve swapped out things like splashparks, naps, and training wheels for a lot more independence, curiosity, and adventure… like dirt bikes!
There are great things about this but it can also be sad and honestly, the changes have been pretty hard on me.
Goals and plans used to seem to so clear and simple
When they were babies, we wanted to keep them comfortable. When they were toddlers, we wanted to keep them safe. Once they were elementary, we wanted to help them learn.
But with increasing ages entering the teen years, it’s hard to know what the next decade will hold and how to best prepare for it. And truthfully… it has me freaking out from time to time!
So what do I do when my emotions start rising and I feel myself starting to spin
“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” -Psalm 37:3-4
This verse has come into my life over and over again this summer and I’m so thankful for it and the steps I have incorporated to apply it to my daily life!
#1 Pray – Stop what I’m doing, quiet my mind, and take a few minutes to just sit with the Lord.
#2 Trust – Allow my anxious, sad, and fearful thoughts to be lifted by him and trust that he will take care of me.
#3 Delight – Find things to thank God for. I have found that it’s impossible to drown in my worries when I am praising God for my blessings.
#4 Do Good – Serve someone. In most cases, since I am dealing with feelings pertaining to the kids in my life, I usually think of something fun we can do to make rich life-long memories TODAY.
I can’t tell you how many times this verse and these steps have helped guide me this summer!
I could be sulking over the past (like no more training wheels) or worrying about the future (like driver’s licsenses) but I am doing my best to enjoy the present (like the summer of dirt bikes)!!!
Sister, carry Psalm 37:3-4 in your heart today and apply it wherever needed! I hope it brings you as much peace as it has me!

We are an only child family but my husband’s brother lives right next door and he has five of them!
Well, this summer my nieces, nephews, and daughter have all seemed to reach an age that has ended an era.
In what seems like the blink of an eye, we’ve swapped out things like splashparks, naps, and training wheels for a lot more independence, curiosity, and adventure… like dirt bikes!

There are great things about this but it can also be sad and honestly, the changes have been pretty hard on me.
Goals and plans used to seem to so clear and simple

But with increasing ages entering the teen years, it’s hard to know what the next decade will hold and how to best prepare for it. And truthfully… it has me freaking out from time to time!
So what do I do when my emotions start rising and I feel myself starting to spin

“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” -Psalm 37:3-4
This verse has come into my life over and over again this summer and I’m so thankful for it and the steps I have incorporated to apply it to my daily life!
#1 Pray – Stop what I’m doing, quiet my mind, and take a few minutes to just sit with the Lord.
#2 Trust – Allow my anxious, sad, and fearful thoughts to be lifted by him and trust that he will take care of me.
#3 Delight – Find things to thank God for. I have found that it’s impossible to drown in my worries when I am praising God for my blessings.
#4 Do Good – Serve someone. In most cases, since I am dealing with feelings pertaining to the kids in my life, I usually think of something fun we can do to make rich life-long memories TODAY.
I can’t tell you how many times this verse and these steps have helped guide me this summer!
I could be sulking over the past (like no more training wheels) or worrying about the future (like driver’s licsenses) but I am doing my best to enjoy the present (like the summer of dirt bikes)!!!

Sister, carry Psalm 37:3-4 in your heart today and apply it wherever needed! I hope it brings you as much peace as it has me!