Daily Devotionals
Thursday, September 12, 2024 (Rachel)
Good Morning, Ladies
I listened to a powerful sermon last weekend, and one thing they said has stayed with me all week: the one thing we leave behind when we die is our words. That really struck me.
I often find myself wishing I could hear my late mother-in-law’s voice today. What would she say to our girls? What words would she offer during the hard times? Her wisdom, love, and encouragement are what I miss the most. I’m sure there’s someone in your life you’d love to hear speak to you again, offering comfort or guidance
It’s a powerful reminder that our words can heal, uplift, and bring hope. Proverbs 18:21 says, ‘The tongue has the power of life and death,’ and that truth resonates deeply.
Let’s be intentional with our words today, using them to build others up and speak life into every situation. You never know how much your words can mean to someone else.
Hope your day is one of the best!
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together

I listened to a powerful sermon last weekend, and one thing they said has stayed with me all week: the one thing we leave behind when we die is our words. That really struck me.
I often find myself wishing I could hear my late mother-in-law’s voice today. What would she say to our girls? What words would she offer during the hard times? Her wisdom, love, and encouragement are what I miss the most. I’m sure there’s someone in your life you’d love to hear speak to you again, offering comfort or guidance

It’s a powerful reminder that our words can heal, uplift, and bring hope. Proverbs 18:21 says, ‘The tongue has the power of life and death,’ and that truth resonates deeply.
Let’s be intentional with our words today, using them to build others up and speak life into every situation. You never know how much your words can mean to someone else.

Hope your day is one of the best!
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together