Daily Devotionals
Friday, September 6, 2024 (Ashley)
I don’t know about you but the week of Labor Day feels a lot like the week of New Years to me!
Our family has started fresh with a whole list of things! A new school year, a season change, schedule shifts, and goals for better physical and dietary choices. The Type A, planner in me loves it! I thrive with structure and it feels good to be a week into new routines!
However, I know my sinful flesh well and it’s only a matter of time before this exciting motivation wears off.
Which is why I love friendship!
Whenever I start implementing new goals for my life, I love to share them with a friend. It’s not only enjoyable to talk about what you’ve been working on but it is also a great way to be held accountable!
But what about God? Do you consider Him your friend? It can be a weird concept to grasp but really, shouldn’t He be our BEST friend?
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” - John 15:13
He is always by our side, ready to listen and to help!
We can rest assured knowing He is rooting us on for anything more positive, healthy, and peaceful in our lives!
We truly have no other friend like Him!
He’s not only our best friend but He is also our Father and our King!
His love is so great that He gave up Heaven to come to earth.
His love is great that He lived a perfect life and died a sinless death to save our souls.
Friend, if you have forgotten, here is your reminder:
By your best friend, Father, King, and creator of the universe!
Whatever you are working on, struggling with, hoping for, or striving towards today, share it with him!
He longs to be your guide, accountability partner, cheerleader, and FRIEND.
Have a great weekend,
Our family has started fresh with a whole list of things! A new school year, a season change, schedule shifts, and goals for better physical and dietary choices. The Type A, planner in me loves it! I thrive with structure and it feels good to be a week into new routines!

However, I know my sinful flesh well and it’s only a matter of time before this exciting motivation wears off.

Whenever I start implementing new goals for my life, I love to share them with a friend. It’s not only enjoyable to talk about what you’ve been working on but it is also a great way to be held accountable!
But what about God? Do you consider Him your friend? It can be a weird concept to grasp but really, shouldn’t He be our BEST friend?
“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” - John 15:13
He is always by our side, ready to listen and to help!
We can rest assured knowing He is rooting us on for anything more positive, healthy, and peaceful in our lives!
We truly have no other friend like Him!
He’s not only our best friend but He is also our Father and our King!
His love is so great that He gave up Heaven to come to earth.
His love is great that He lived a perfect life and died a sinless death to save our souls.
Friend, if you have forgotten, here is your reminder:

By your best friend, Father, King, and creator of the universe!
Whatever you are working on, struggling with, hoping for, or striving towards today, share it with him!
He longs to be your guide, accountability partner, cheerleader, and FRIEND.
Have a great weekend,