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Monday, March 11, 2024 (Mary Ann)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
March Madness

Ah, the never-famous Braham High School marching band, circa 19never-you-mind. I remember the hours of hoofing it around town (yes, on BOTH streets), and the hours it took to get us to march in straight lines and in lockstep. Then there was that football halftime show when the rest of the band pivoted left and I, for no apparent reason, went right. Good times.

Some things are challenging.

Like how to live godly lives in this fractured world that seems determined to go the very wrong way. “Stay in line,” says the culture. “March like we do.”

I believe our Lord would have us pivot away from the crowd. Romans 12:2 reads, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is pleasing and perfect.”

Still, no one said it would be easy; we all want to feel part of a group. We want to be accepted. And, hey, we all want to have fun! Nothing wrong with that. Here at Rachel’s Closet Cares, our tribe makes all this easy, but “out there” can be a lonely, sad, confidence-zapping existence.

Just ask any school-age Christ follower how painful and difficult it can be to be left out. Or to be the one not trash-talking or partying or even worse. Or ask any adult in a work or living situation with non-believers whose lifestyles are anything but God-honoring.

So how do we go against the crowd? In fact, should we? After all, aren’t we called to be salt and light? Witnesses for Christ? All that?


First off, I don’t think anyone ever got argued into heaven, so we need another strategy. Actually, we might be surprised to find how many in that hurtful crowd are, in fact, just as hurting and in need of a friend as we are. So (I looked this up) we listen first. Without judgment. We might even find areas in common! Then once a trusting friendship is established, we’ve earned the right to share our own stories about what God’s love and grace have done for us.

Can it still be scary to pivot away from the crowd? And will I still be lonely sometimes?

Yes and yes.

So let’s hang on to God’s promise: “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Face it, Sisters, we are all in a battle against the enemy of our souls. So let’s march! God’s already won!

Mary Ann


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