Daily Devotionals
Monday, November 4, 2024 (Mary Ann)
Voting .… Then what?
Phew! It’s almost over.
Or is it just beginning?
And by “it” I mean all the anger, lying, bitterness, blame gaming, cheating, accusations, violence, distrust … and if I had a thesaurus handy I’d list more of what we’ve been immersed in for years.
Are you as tired of politics as I am? Oh yes, I do have some very strong beliefs and I’m a bit of a political animal. Even so, I’m weary of it all and frankly unsure of what lies ahead regardless of who comes out on top whenever the dust settles.
We want a reason to hope, don’t we? We long for quiet and peaceable lives in the country we thought we had. (Here comes the however….) However, Jesus told his disciples (that’s us, Sisters) that Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33
So, as Max Lucado asks, “Wonder what happens after Nov. 5? For the person of faith, it looks a lot like [today] Nov. 4: Pray. Love. Trust.” Prayer may seem futile, says Max, but remember, “The power is not in the one who prays. It’s in the God who hears.”
So let’s pray for our nation. Ask God to humble us, hear us and heal us. Pray for a mighty revival to turn this country back to God. Remember the promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14: Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
Pray for healing for all those suffering in storms — from hurricanes, to divorce, to chronic illness, to grief, to loneliness and more.
Pray for those we disagree with — even the ones who make us really mad. Pray for this hurting world. Jesus died for us all.
Then there’s love. Not the kind of temporary, conditional love the world offers. Instead: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38-39) Let’s lean into that rock-solid love of God and let him help us share that love with others.
Finally, trust. Back to Max: There are “so many unknowns, and the things we do know are worrisome. These are troubling times with challenges both at home and abroad. Leadership matters. But whether your preferred candidate occupies the White House or not, we can know that God’s in charge of who’s in charge.” (Amen to that!) Proverbs 21:1 says, The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases.
So saddle up dear Sisters and take heart, the ride may be rough but we have a great and powerful Heavenly Father to guide us!
Mary Ann
P.S. Oh and thank you so much for all the comments last Monday on what to do with Halloween. It was great to read your insights! We really are better together! Let’s do coffee sometime.
Phew! It’s almost over.
Or is it just beginning?
And by “it” I mean all the anger, lying, bitterness, blame gaming, cheating, accusations, violence, distrust … and if I had a thesaurus handy I’d list more of what we’ve been immersed in for years.
Are you as tired of politics as I am? Oh yes, I do have some very strong beliefs and I’m a bit of a political animal. Even so, I’m weary of it all and frankly unsure of what lies ahead regardless of who comes out on top whenever the dust settles.
We want a reason to hope, don’t we? We long for quiet and peaceable lives in the country we thought we had. (Here comes the however….) However, Jesus told his disciples (that’s us, Sisters) that Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. John 16:33
So, as Max Lucado asks, “Wonder what happens after Nov. 5? For the person of faith, it looks a lot like [today] Nov. 4: Pray. Love. Trust.” Prayer may seem futile, says Max, but remember, “The power is not in the one who prays. It’s in the God who hears.”
So let’s pray for our nation. Ask God to humble us, hear us and heal us. Pray for a mighty revival to turn this country back to God. Remember the promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14: Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
Pray for healing for all those suffering in storms — from hurricanes, to divorce, to chronic illness, to grief, to loneliness and more.
Pray for those we disagree with — even the ones who make us really mad. Pray for this hurting world. Jesus died for us all.
Then there’s love. Not the kind of temporary, conditional love the world offers. Instead: And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. (Romans 8:38-39) Let’s lean into that rock-solid love of God and let him help us share that love with others.
Finally, trust. Back to Max: There are “so many unknowns, and the things we do know are worrisome. These are troubling times with challenges both at home and abroad. Leadership matters. But whether your preferred candidate occupies the White House or not, we can know that God’s in charge of who’s in charge.” (Amen to that!) Proverbs 21:1 says, The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord; he guides it wherever he pleases.
So saddle up dear Sisters and take heart, the ride may be rough but we have a great and powerful Heavenly Father to guide us!
Mary Ann
P.S. Oh and thank you so much for all the comments last Monday on what to do with Halloween. It was great to read your insights! We really are better together! Let’s do coffee sometime.