Daily Devotionals
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 (Aminta)
One of my favorite things to do is take Psalms and turn them into prayers, especially when I am struggling to find the right words to pray.
I love how Psalms are so real, yet they always remind me that God is control and he never fails. They are full of his promises!
This morning, no matter what is going on in your life, I invite you to pray Psalm 34 with me. I find that it always brings comfort and peace:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being such a wonderful, loving and protective God.
I will praise you, my Lord, at all times. I will constantly speak your praises. I will boast only in you; so that those around me who feel helpless can take heart. I will tell of your greatness to everyone I meet today; so we can exalt your name together. Every time I pray to you, I find that you faithfully answer me. You free me from all my fears. When I look to you for help, I will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken my face.
In my desperation I pray to you, and I know you will listen; you save me from all my troubles. For you are a guard; you surround and defend all who fear you.
Help me taste and see that you, O Lord, are good. Let me experience the joys of taking refuge in you!
I fear only you, for those who fear you will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in you will lack no good thing. You hear your people when they call to you for help, oh how good you are! You rescue your children from all their troubles, so I cry out to you today and ask you to help me.
Thank you, LORD, that you are close to the brokenhearted; and that you rescue those whose spirits are crushed. Be near the parts of my heart that feel broken I pray.
I am clinging to the promise that although the righteous person faces many troubles, you O God, come to the rescue each time.
I love you.
We are better together!
I love how Psalms are so real, yet they always remind me that God is control and he never fails. They are full of his promises!
This morning, no matter what is going on in your life, I invite you to pray Psalm 34 with me. I find that it always brings comfort and peace:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being such a wonderful, loving and protective God.
I will praise you, my Lord, at all times. I will constantly speak your praises. I will boast only in you; so that those around me who feel helpless can take heart. I will tell of your greatness to everyone I meet today; so we can exalt your name together. Every time I pray to you, I find that you faithfully answer me. You free me from all my fears. When I look to you for help, I will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken my face.
In my desperation I pray to you, and I know you will listen; you save me from all my troubles. For you are a guard; you surround and defend all who fear you.
Help me taste and see that you, O Lord, are good. Let me experience the joys of taking refuge in you!
I fear only you, for those who fear you will have all they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in you will lack no good thing. You hear your people when they call to you for help, oh how good you are! You rescue your children from all their troubles, so I cry out to you today and ask you to help me.
Thank you, LORD, that you are close to the brokenhearted; and that you rescue those whose spirits are crushed. Be near the parts of my heart that feel broken I pray.
I am clinging to the promise that although the righteous person faces many troubles, you O God, come to the rescue each time.
I love you.
We are better together!