Daily Devotionals
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 (Aminta)
There is only one thing we get to bring to heaven with us, and it’s people!
Therefore, there are people in my life that I am praying for, and it’s a big prayer that I am praying.
I ask God that they might turn from their worldly ways and begin to walk in step with him; to know and receive the unfailing and never-ending love of the Heavenly Father.
Do you have anyone in your life you wish that for?
I wanted to share with you the verses in Ephesians that I pray over those who have yet to see and understand God’s incredible love, in case you need a fresh way to pray. There is nothing like the power of the Word. The following prayer comes from Ephesians 3:16-20:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for who you are and how you love every single person on earth. Thank you that you know all people by name, and even know the number of hairs on their heads. Thank you for loving us so much that you desire to be in relationship with us, no matter how we respond to you.
Lord, I come to you today on behalf of _____________. I know you see and love _____________ (insert name). I know you understand exactly where they are on the faith journey. I pray that from your glorious, unlimited resources you will empower ___________ with inner strength through your spirit. Give my loved one the eyes to see your love and ears that can hear you speak! I pray Christ would make his home in ____________’s heart, and that the roots of faith would grow down deep into your love and keep him/her strong. May ____________ have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, how deep your love is. And may ______________ experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Make _____________ compete with all the fullness of power and life that comes from God.
All glory to you, Father, because you are able through your mighty power at work in us to accomplish infinitely more than we can ask or think. Glory to you forever!
Sweet Friends, don’t give up on your people!
Continue to persist in lifting up to the Lord, that we might take them with us to a glorious eternity. God is faithful and good, and he will hear you.
We are better together!
Therefore, there are people in my life that I am praying for, and it’s a big prayer that I am praying.
I ask God that they might turn from their worldly ways and begin to walk in step with him; to know and receive the unfailing and never-ending love of the Heavenly Father.
Do you have anyone in your life you wish that for?
I wanted to share with you the verses in Ephesians that I pray over those who have yet to see and understand God’s incredible love, in case you need a fresh way to pray. There is nothing like the power of the Word. The following prayer comes from Ephesians 3:16-20:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for who you are and how you love every single person on earth. Thank you that you know all people by name, and even know the number of hairs on their heads. Thank you for loving us so much that you desire to be in relationship with us, no matter how we respond to you.
Lord, I come to you today on behalf of _____________. I know you see and love _____________ (insert name). I know you understand exactly where they are on the faith journey. I pray that from your glorious, unlimited resources you will empower ___________ with inner strength through your spirit. Give my loved one the eyes to see your love and ears that can hear you speak! I pray Christ would make his home in ____________’s heart, and that the roots of faith would grow down deep into your love and keep him/her strong. May ____________ have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, how deep your love is. And may ______________ experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Make _____________ compete with all the fullness of power and life that comes from God.
All glory to you, Father, because you are able through your mighty power at work in us to accomplish infinitely more than we can ask or think. Glory to you forever!
Sweet Friends, don’t give up on your people!
Continue to persist in lifting up to the Lord, that we might take them with us to a glorious eternity. God is faithful and good, and he will hear you.
We are better together!