Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 (Paula)
A “refresh”
We recently made the permanent move to our cabin. Our youngest recently graduated from high school which means we are soon “empty nesters” as she heads for college in a month.
I’m still not sure if I like the sound of that, but I do love the idea of heading into some new freedom and opportunities to adventure with my high-school-sweetheart-husband once again! 
With our recent relocation, we are working on “settling in.” It may be more like “cramming” in.
We’re presently contemplating and exploring a few “refresher” projects in our cabin-home. Our goal is to make our space a little lighter + brighter, and highlight the features that we love most about it.
A couple of nights ago, my husband sat down next to me on the couch as we were sketching out some lists and plans, and discussing several colors/styles and ideas.
Out of the blue he said, “You know… my Grandma and Grandpa lived their golden years in a tiny trailer just south of our family farm. I never knew a happier, more content, more in-love couple than them. As kids, we’d run over to their place and experience their tender love and simple hospitality…
They truly loved God and each other.”
Mic drop.
That was the real “refresher” I needed!
Not a new paint color, not a new stain color, not a new light fixture.
My heart needed to hear truth. My mind needed a little refreshed perspective. I got to hear a true love story of commitment and contentment at the perfect moment.
This tiny but mighty moment was a gift of truth from God. Ultimately in any space, it is LOVE that lights the room. Christ’s love …shared. A simple truth, revitalized and refreshed in my mind and heart!
I responded, “You are 1000% right, Ted.”
Contentment is learning to see Gods goodness and love and provision in every situation and transition. Trusting Him, following His ways and His Will is our job. It’s our joy.
There’s nothing wrong with fixing a place up! It’s a wonderful thing to do!
But I was gently reminded that this upcoming “empty nest” phase is a gift. It’s another season that God will use. Not everyone gets the chance at an empty nest for one reason or another. The simple fact of marriage and grown up children, and love is worth praising God for. The fact that my husband and I can work on paint projects and spiritual growth projects together is also a gift that I don’t want to take for granted.
But the biggest project I hope to tackle in this new chapter of life with my hubby is to fill our home with more and more
love, light, and contentment. So much so that others can feel it when they walk in… to the glory of God!
Paul’s words from Phillipians 4: 11-13 (#contentment goals!!!)
“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”
Dear sisters, may you experience the love and contentment of God in wherever place you call home and whatever situation you find yourself in right now.
Be refreshed by Him.
Better Together,
We recently made the permanent move to our cabin. Our youngest recently graduated from high school which means we are soon “empty nesters” as she heads for college in a month.

With our recent relocation, we are working on “settling in.” It may be more like “cramming” in.

We’re presently contemplating and exploring a few “refresher” projects in our cabin-home. Our goal is to make our space a little lighter + brighter, and highlight the features that we love most about it.
A couple of nights ago, my husband sat down next to me on the couch as we were sketching out some lists and plans, and discussing several colors/styles and ideas.
Out of the blue he said, “You know… my Grandma and Grandpa lived their golden years in a tiny trailer just south of our family farm. I never knew a happier, more content, more in-love couple than them. As kids, we’d run over to their place and experience their tender love and simple hospitality…
They truly loved God and each other.”
Mic drop.
That was the real “refresher” I needed!
Not a new paint color, not a new stain color, not a new light fixture.
My heart needed to hear truth. My mind needed a little refreshed perspective. I got to hear a true love story of commitment and contentment at the perfect moment.
This tiny but mighty moment was a gift of truth from God. Ultimately in any space, it is LOVE that lights the room. Christ’s love …shared. A simple truth, revitalized and refreshed in my mind and heart!
I responded, “You are 1000% right, Ted.”
Contentment is learning to see Gods goodness and love and provision in every situation and transition. Trusting Him, following His ways and His Will is our job. It’s our joy.
There’s nothing wrong with fixing a place up! It’s a wonderful thing to do!
But I was gently reminded that this upcoming “empty nest” phase is a gift. It’s another season that God will use. Not everyone gets the chance at an empty nest for one reason or another. The simple fact of marriage and grown up children, and love is worth praising God for. The fact that my husband and I can work on paint projects and spiritual growth projects together is also a gift that I don’t want to take for granted.
But the biggest project I hope to tackle in this new chapter of life with my hubby is to fill our home with more and more
love, light, and contentment. So much so that others can feel it when they walk in… to the glory of God!
Paul’s words from Phillipians 4: 11-13 (#contentment goals!!!)
“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”
Dear sisters, may you experience the love and contentment of God in wherever place you call home and whatever situation you find yourself in right now.

Better Together,