Daily Devotionals
Thursday, August 1, 2024 (Rachel)
Good Morning, Everyone! 
Many of you already know this, but on Monday, we sold our daughter Cora’s first pony, Sprinkles. This was so hard for all of us. I don’t just say this because she was ours, but she was the most special pony I know. And for those of you who knew her, I think you’d agree. God truly handpicked the best family for her!
But back to what I wanted to share and encourage each of you with. During our goodbye on Monday, Cora was super emotional and having such a hard time. One of my daughters kept saying things to offer encouragement, but it really wasn’t helpful; it was actually making Cora feel more sad. Then Josh said something that really struck me: “Honey, it’s okay to just hurt with her.” At that moment, I was sobbing.
Isn’t that so true? When we are grieving, broken-hearted, disappointed, down, or struggling, it’s so comforting when someone comes along and hurts with us. No words need to be exchanged; their presence is enough.
So may I suggest to all of us, please reach out to someone who’s hurting today and hurt with them. This may seem insignificant in relation to their level of pain or loss, but I can assure you, it matters! It truly does
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15
Have a blessed day, everyone!
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel

Many of you already know this, but on Monday, we sold our daughter Cora’s first pony, Sprinkles. This was so hard for all of us. I don’t just say this because she was ours, but she was the most special pony I know. And for those of you who knew her, I think you’d agree. God truly handpicked the best family for her!
But back to what I wanted to share and encourage each of you with. During our goodbye on Monday, Cora was super emotional and having such a hard time. One of my daughters kept saying things to offer encouragement, but it really wasn’t helpful; it was actually making Cora feel more sad. Then Josh said something that really struck me: “Honey, it’s okay to just hurt with her.” At that moment, I was sobbing.
Isn’t that so true? When we are grieving, broken-hearted, disappointed, down, or struggling, it’s so comforting when someone comes along and hurts with us. No words need to be exchanged; their presence is enough.
So may I suggest to all of us, please reach out to someone who’s hurting today and hurt with them. This may seem insignificant in relation to their level of pain or loss, but I can assure you, it matters! It truly does

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." - Romans 12:15
Have a blessed day, everyone!
Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel