Daily Devotionals
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (Aminta)
“I do myself.”
That’s what our third child would say when he was two years old and fiercely independent.
“I do myself.”
Our determined son was insistent that he could do anything and everything without our help.
Inevitably, there would be a package he couldn’t open, or a door handle he couldn’t reach. We’d offer to help as he tried incessantly to open it, unsuccessfully. It was useless. Talk about stubborn!
Every time, a storm of tears would come.
“I do myself.”
As a parent, this was extremely frustrating! I could see the futility of his efforts and knew I solve the problem… I just needed to wait for him to come to me.
I realize that as an adult, I am not so different as my little spitfire. I try pretty hard to handle everything in my life on my own, without help. I feel like it’s my responsibility to be self- sufficient and independent, as if that is somehow the mark of a “good” Christian who doesn’t need help.
The funny thing is… God doesn’t want that for me or for you. He desires that we are wholly dependent on him so that he can display his power and glory for the world to see…a special glory only visible in our weakness.
There’s a story in Luke chapter 5 that always gets me. A few of Jesus’ disciples have been out fishing all night and have failed to catch anything. They are tired and frustrated when Jesus shows up and tells them to try again.
Luke 5:5-7
“Master," Simon replied, "we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. But if you say so, I'll let the nets down again."
And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!
A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.”
What a great lesson! We can labor hard and try all we want on our own to accomplish the work in front of us, but unless the Lord helps us, the work will be useless. He is the one who brings the good harvest!
We are MADE to be dependent on God and need his help. His power is what we really need, not our own stubborn will.
2 Corinthians 4:7 explains:
“We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”
Our desperate need for Jesus is what best showcases the awesome love of our powerful God.
Sweet Friends, let’s embrace our need for Him! Let’s tell our Heavenly Father “I cannot do this on my own, please help me,” and trust that he will bring good things from our dependence on him. There’s no shame in the help game. Ever!
Dear God,
Thank you for being all we need. Thank you for being strong when we are weak. Thank you for being a good and compassionate Father. Help me today to embrace my weakness and ask for help to do the good work you have set in front of me. I surrender to you and declare my need for you. Please shine your light out of my fragile clay jar.
May all the glory and honor be yours.
We are better together.
That’s what our third child would say when he was two years old and fiercely independent.
“I do myself.”
Our determined son was insistent that he could do anything and everything without our help.
Inevitably, there would be a package he couldn’t open, or a door handle he couldn’t reach. We’d offer to help as he tried incessantly to open it, unsuccessfully. It was useless. Talk about stubborn!
Every time, a storm of tears would come.
“I do myself.”
As a parent, this was extremely frustrating! I could see the futility of his efforts and knew I solve the problem… I just needed to wait for him to come to me.
I realize that as an adult, I am not so different as my little spitfire. I try pretty hard to handle everything in my life on my own, without help. I feel like it’s my responsibility to be self- sufficient and independent, as if that is somehow the mark of a “good” Christian who doesn’t need help.
The funny thing is… God doesn’t want that for me or for you. He desires that we are wholly dependent on him so that he can display his power and glory for the world to see…a special glory only visible in our weakness.
There’s a story in Luke chapter 5 that always gets me. A few of Jesus’ disciples have been out fishing all night and have failed to catch anything. They are tired and frustrated when Jesus shows up and tells them to try again.
Luke 5:5-7
“Master," Simon replied, "we worked hard all last night and didn't catch a thing. But if you say so, I'll let the nets down again."
And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear!
A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.”
What a great lesson! We can labor hard and try all we want on our own to accomplish the work in front of us, but unless the Lord helps us, the work will be useless. He is the one who brings the good harvest!
We are MADE to be dependent on God and need his help. His power is what we really need, not our own stubborn will.
2 Corinthians 4:7 explains:
“We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”
Our desperate need for Jesus is what best showcases the awesome love of our powerful God.
Sweet Friends, let’s embrace our need for Him! Let’s tell our Heavenly Father “I cannot do this on my own, please help me,” and trust that he will bring good things from our dependence on him. There’s no shame in the help game. Ever!
Dear God,
Thank you for being all we need. Thank you for being strong when we are weak. Thank you for being a good and compassionate Father. Help me today to embrace my weakness and ask for help to do the good work you have set in front of me. I surrender to you and declare my need for you. Please shine your light out of my fragile clay jar.
May all the glory and honor be yours.
We are better together.