Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (Paula)
Ever struggle with it?
If only I was…
I’m just not…
He or She is so much better at…
If I had…
At least I’m not…
At least I don’t…
See the game? It’s toxic.
We have all struggled with comparison from time to time. We compare talents, looks, careers, homes, education, bodies, vehicles, health, challenges, spouses, children, finances and even spiritual gifts… it’s endless.
I once heard a quote that has stuck with me forever, “Comparison ultimately leads us to two ends, pride or despair.”
The sign on the picture I shared today hangs on the door as you enter the large bathroom on my daughter’s college dorm floor. Before you walk into this clean, brightly lit environment filled with showers, stalls, sweet smells of perfumes and hair products and a line of mirrors shared by about 25 young ladies, you walk right by this sign.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
I’m thankful for the wise RA who has decorated the dorm floor with all kinds of uplifting truth for the young adults she shepherds. The sign stops you in your tracks before you amble in to a world of endless temptations to compare.
The message warning of comparison reappeared that same evening at bible study.
We are studying Ephesians chapter 4, and the subject of diversity of spiritual gifts amongst the body of believers was one of the topics. Paul speaks of the various gifts God uses in all of his people to build up the body of Christ. The end goal is unity in love… not comparison. The end goal is keeping your focus on honing your spiritual gift and sharing it, not hiding it or squelching it or judging it.
Comparison is the THIEF of joy!
Let me remind you what Jesus says about what the enemy comes to do… “The thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Comparison is robbing you of life. It is not time well spent. It is enemy territory.
So how do we turn off the volume on comparison?
1. be aware of it. Where it leads. Ultimately see it as unfruitful.
2. Take some time in solitude today. Get quiet with God. Tuck yourself into the presence of the one who designed and made you. Pray over it.
3. Make a list of all of the things you are thankful for. We hear it all the time, but today, could you actually DO IT? Ask God to help you bring things to mind.
4. Appreciate and be inspired by others who are working hard on honing their gifts. Suppprt and pray for others who are on Gods team with you!!!
5. Talk to those who are closest to you. Meet with a trusted Christian mentor. What gifts do they see in you?
6. Discover, develop, and utilize your gifts to His glory and the building up of the body of believers.
Your talents/gifts aren’t for you, they are for God and others… in the building of His kingdom.
Joy and contentment are experienced when you are working in your gifting. Find a Christian organization or group (like Rachel’s Closet Cares!!) to hone your gifts and grow your faith. Your gifts help others to grow just as their gifts help you to grow.
We are better together!
Ever struggle with it?
If only I was…
I’m just not…
He or She is so much better at…
If I had…
At least I’m not…
At least I don’t…
See the game? It’s toxic.
We have all struggled with comparison from time to time. We compare talents, looks, careers, homes, education, bodies, vehicles, health, challenges, spouses, children, finances and even spiritual gifts… it’s endless.
I once heard a quote that has stuck with me forever, “Comparison ultimately leads us to two ends, pride or despair.”
The sign on the picture I shared today hangs on the door as you enter the large bathroom on my daughter’s college dorm floor. Before you walk into this clean, brightly lit environment filled with showers, stalls, sweet smells of perfumes and hair products and a line of mirrors shared by about 25 young ladies, you walk right by this sign.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
I’m thankful for the wise RA who has decorated the dorm floor with all kinds of uplifting truth for the young adults she shepherds. The sign stops you in your tracks before you amble in to a world of endless temptations to compare.
The message warning of comparison reappeared that same evening at bible study.
We are studying Ephesians chapter 4, and the subject of diversity of spiritual gifts amongst the body of believers was one of the topics. Paul speaks of the various gifts God uses in all of his people to build up the body of Christ. The end goal is unity in love… not comparison. The end goal is keeping your focus on honing your spiritual gift and sharing it, not hiding it or squelching it or judging it.
Comparison is the THIEF of joy!
Let me remind you what Jesus says about what the enemy comes to do… “The thief comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Comparison is robbing you of life. It is not time well spent. It is enemy territory.
So how do we turn off the volume on comparison?
1. be aware of it. Where it leads. Ultimately see it as unfruitful.
2. Take some time in solitude today. Get quiet with God. Tuck yourself into the presence of the one who designed and made you. Pray over it.
3. Make a list of all of the things you are thankful for. We hear it all the time, but today, could you actually DO IT? Ask God to help you bring things to mind.
4. Appreciate and be inspired by others who are working hard on honing their gifts. Suppprt and pray for others who are on Gods team with you!!!
5. Talk to those who are closest to you. Meet with a trusted Christian mentor. What gifts do they see in you?
6. Discover, develop, and utilize your gifts to His glory and the building up of the body of believers.
Your talents/gifts aren’t for you, they are for God and others… in the building of His kingdom.
Joy and contentment are experienced when you are working in your gifting. Find a Christian organization or group (like Rachel’s Closet Cares!!) to hone your gifts and grow your faith. Your gifts help others to grow just as their gifts help you to grow.
We are better together!