Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 (Paula)

Taking a little time this morning to remind you of some unchanging truth!
God message is always consistent! He says, “BE MINE”.
God says;
Be my daughter.
Be my object of affection.
Be my child.
Be my blessing.
Be my beneficiary of faithfulness.
Be my love shown to others.
Be my recipient of salvation.
Be my receiver of unconditional love.
And the Lord’s “BE MINE” list goes on!!!
He invites us to “Be His” above all other relationships in our life.
Amidst our culture of heart shaped chocolates, long stemmed roses, cards, and stuffed animals, Valentine’s Day may be a bust for you.
Let’s face it, we all desire a relationship that is secure enough to attach our hope to. Married or single, we all want a LEGIT and REAL “Romeo” we can count on without fear of faltering or fizzling out. And the truth is, our Creator Redeemer is the ONLY one who ultimately fits that description.
God is unchanging. His love is the same, whatever in your life is removed (friends, family, seasons, locations, property, health). Girl, you can depend on that truth and hold it like a Valentine today.
God says “BE MINE”.
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; YOU ARE MINE.” Isaiah 43:1
Have a wonderful Wednesday! We love your hearts!!
Reach out if you ever need a boost!! Rachel, Ashley and I would love to meet with you!