Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 (Paula)
Encouragement: the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.
There are so many things that happen during the week in each of our lives at home, at work, in school, sports, church- in any places that we interact with people routinely. These things we experience may seem so discouraging, so insurmountable and unmanageable and yet, they could actually be remedied by something very simple… like a touch on a shoulder, a hug, or a word of appreciation or encouragement from another.
I am so very thankful I have friends and family who fill me up when my tire is low. I am grateful that they are literally Jesus with skin on!
Do you know you can help relax a person’s anxious heart and spirit with a word of hope and encouragement?
So often, the human tendency can be to criticize and point out inadequacy in others… our children, our spouses, our bosses, our family, our teachers, coaches, neighbors, pastors, etc.
I understand that constructive criticism and accountability in the context of a good relationship is vitally important and necessary in life... but, a critical spirit can isolate the very ones you are seeking to draw in.
The Bible has a lot to say about encouraging one another. In Ephesians 4:15, Paul refers to “speaking the truth in love, we will grow up into Him”
Again in Romans 12, Paul encourages the church to “outdo one another in showing honor to each other.”
When others are in times of need and stress, I would challenge all of us to take the risk of ingenuity and creativity and affirm them, either before or in place of the constructive criticism. It can make all the difference.
We can relate to the idea that we are all “tires with a slow leak,” so-to-speak. We need periodic “airing up” so we don’t flatten out completely. Encouragement is not flattery and dump trucks of accolades, but a sincere gesture or moment in time to speak affirming truth.
Air someone’s “low-tire” up today! You can show love, admiration, and build their confidence in doing so. It could make all the difference!
RC Cares- we love you!
There are so many things that happen during the week in each of our lives at home, at work, in school, sports, church- in any places that we interact with people routinely. These things we experience may seem so discouraging, so insurmountable and unmanageable and yet, they could actually be remedied by something very simple… like a touch on a shoulder, a hug, or a word of appreciation or encouragement from another.
I am so very thankful I have friends and family who fill me up when my tire is low. I am grateful that they are literally Jesus with skin on!
Do you know you can help relax a person’s anxious heart and spirit with a word of hope and encouragement?
So often, the human tendency can be to criticize and point out inadequacy in others… our children, our spouses, our bosses, our family, our teachers, coaches, neighbors, pastors, etc.
I understand that constructive criticism and accountability in the context of a good relationship is vitally important and necessary in life... but, a critical spirit can isolate the very ones you are seeking to draw in.
The Bible has a lot to say about encouraging one another. In Ephesians 4:15, Paul refers to “speaking the truth in love, we will grow up into Him”
Again in Romans 12, Paul encourages the church to “outdo one another in showing honor to each other.”
When others are in times of need and stress, I would challenge all of us to take the risk of ingenuity and creativity and affirm them, either before or in place of the constructive criticism. It can make all the difference.
We can relate to the idea that we are all “tires with a slow leak,” so-to-speak. We need periodic “airing up” so we don’t flatten out completely. Encouragement is not flattery and dump trucks of accolades, but a sincere gesture or moment in time to speak affirming truth.
Air someone’s “low-tire” up today! You can show love, admiration, and build their confidence in doing so. It could make all the difference!
RC Cares- we love you!