Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 (Paula)
Good morning friends!
I found myself in the book of Micah this morning. In my reading, I came across a more familiar passage that stopped me in my tracks (again)! It’s so simply stated, and yet, profound. And it’s worth putting on repeat. Some call it the “Micah Mandate”... We don’t need to wonder about how God wants us to live!
“He has shown you what is good. And what does the LORD require from you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God”
-Micah 6:8
Pause for a moment. Think about those 3 things. Yes, they are all actions. But in order to do these things, we need to begin with a soft and benevolent heart. Love initiates each action.
We will not ACT JUSTLY if we harbor criticism, resentment, or hate.
We can not LOVE MERCY if we neglect kindness and ignore needs.
We can not WALK HUMBLY when we are chronically self-centered. A prideful heart will always step on others and walk ahead of God.
Could we apply those 3 acts of the Micah mandate today? Heck yah we could! With Gods help, we can stand for what is good and right. We can choose kindness, forgiveness and grace. And we can walk closely with Him, submitted to His will. With God’s help we can do this!
You Matter! Show others they matter!
You are loved! Show others they are loved!
Dear God,
Help us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you today. Amen!
Better Together,
I found myself in the book of Micah this morning. In my reading, I came across a more familiar passage that stopped me in my tracks (again)! It’s so simply stated, and yet, profound. And it’s worth putting on repeat. Some call it the “Micah Mandate”... We don’t need to wonder about how God wants us to live!
“He has shown you what is good. And what does the LORD require from you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God”
-Micah 6:8
Pause for a moment. Think about those 3 things. Yes, they are all actions. But in order to do these things, we need to begin with a soft and benevolent heart. Love initiates each action.
We will not ACT JUSTLY if we harbor criticism, resentment, or hate.
We can not LOVE MERCY if we neglect kindness and ignore needs.
We can not WALK HUMBLY when we are chronically self-centered. A prideful heart will always step on others and walk ahead of God.
Could we apply those 3 acts of the Micah mandate today? Heck yah we could! With Gods help, we can stand for what is good and right. We can choose kindness, forgiveness and grace. And we can walk closely with Him, submitted to His will. With God’s help we can do this!
You Matter! Show others they matter!
You are loved! Show others they are loved!
Dear God,
Help us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you today. Amen!
Better Together,