Daily Devotionals
Thursday, November 14, 2024 (Rachel)
Good morning, Ladies!
I’m currently reading Waking Up to the Goodness of God by a dear friend, Susie Larson. There’s a question she was once asked, and it hasn’t left my mind since. So I want to ask you this morning: “If tomorrow you possessed only what you thanked God for today, what would you have?” As Susie said, “It’s a piercing question. An important one.” And I wholeheartedly agree!
The truth is, if the enemy can’t tempt us, he often tries to keep us distracted—keeping us so BUSY that we have little time for a posture of thankfulness. We’re pulled in so many directions that gratitude can slip through our fingers.
So as you set out today, keep this question close to your heart. I’ve found that holding onto it has opened my eyes to a much deeper level of gratitude. Let’s ask the Lord to help us slow down, be present, and find joy in what He’s already placed in our lives.
Let’s walk in thankfulness today. And as I share this picture of my family, I’m reminded of one of the greatest gifts I have—my loved ones. May we all cherish the blessings right in front of us

Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel
I’m currently reading Waking Up to the Goodness of God by a dear friend, Susie Larson. There’s a question she was once asked, and it hasn’t left my mind since. So I want to ask you this morning: “If tomorrow you possessed only what you thanked God for today, what would you have?” As Susie said, “It’s a piercing question. An important one.” And I wholeheartedly agree!
The truth is, if the enemy can’t tempt us, he often tries to keep us distracted—keeping us so BUSY that we have little time for a posture of thankfulness. We’re pulled in so many directions that gratitude can slip through our fingers.
So as you set out today, keep this question close to your heart. I’ve found that holding onto it has opened my eyes to a much deeper level of gratitude. Let’s ask the Lord to help us slow down, be present, and find joy in what He’s already placed in our lives.
Let’s walk in thankfulness today. And as I share this picture of my family, I’m reminded of one of the greatest gifts I have—my loved ones. May we all cherish the blessings right in front of us

Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel