Daily Devotionals
Wenesday, October 30, 2024 (Paula)
Good morning!!
I recently read a story by author Bill Frye that really got me thinking. He reflected on a time when he was an 11 year old boy. He was given the task to remove a stump from the family’s front yard. He dug, and hacked, and pried and sweated and struggled to remove the stubborn stump. Hour after hour he labored and toiled on it. He used shovels, axes, saws, pry bars and all of his might, but the stump was unmoveable!
Toward early evening, his father arrived home from work and pulled into the driveway. He took in the scene and observed his son’s efforts of the battle with the stump.
Then he said, “Son. You’re not working with all your strength.”
The son said in frustration and exhaustion, “What do you mean? I’ve tried everything! I couldn’t be working harder!”
His Father lovingly walked toward him and said, “Your not working with all of your strength… you haven’t asked for your father’s help.”
How often am I that kid?
Our Monday night group just wrapped up our 7 week study of Ephesians. In chapter 6, Paul talks about the full armor of God.
This is one of the ways our heavenly Father shares His mighty strength with us! Ladies, armor isn’t just for men. It’s for ALL of Gods people! Paul was addressing men, women, and children of all walks of life in this passage.
Gods armor is a gift to us.
But do we put it on? Or do we just ignore it while it sits on our bedroom floor.
Paul’s words,
“Take up” the armor
“Put on” the armor
“Stand firm”
How do we do this practically?
The answer to that is also found in Ephesians 6. We get dressed by praying!
There are 6 pieces of armor, but #7 is the engagement of prayer. That’s HOW we take it up and put it on!
Get dressed! Don’t go out onto the battlefield dressed in human flesh. This life is a supernatural fight- a spiritual battle- and we will be victorious in Christ!
Here’s my “getting dressed” prayer for you!
“Dear Father,
We praise you for your plan of salvation for the world, which includes men and women from all groups of people. We pray that you strengthen us with power through your Spirit—and grasp how wide, long, high, and deep your love is.
As we live our lives worthy of the calling we’ve received, walking in the way of love, please help us be strong in your mighty power and put on your armor each day.
May we stand firm and cinch the BELT OF TRUTH securely around our core, rejecting the lies that bombard us every day.
May we find strength in the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS by living and acting in accordance to what your word says.
May our feet be ready with the SHOES OF THE GOSPEL to spread the hope that comes from knowing the gospel of peace.
May we rest behind the SHIELD OF FAITH, extinguishing arrows of doubt, insecurity, fear, pride, rejection, deception, and endless distraction.
May the HELMET OF SALVATION protect our minds and fill us with your wisdom and perspective.May we trust in your salvation, which has been unfolding since the beginning and will be complete in your time.
Help us take up the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT—your word—seeking your guidance as we engage with the world each day. Help us have the discipline to memorize your word and hide it in our hearts so that we can actually use it!
You have given us your Fatherly strength through this full armor. Every piece is protective, purposeful, and powerful.
Help us take it up, and put it on as we do battle today and every day.
In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, amen.”
Better together,
I recently read a story by author Bill Frye that really got me thinking. He reflected on a time when he was an 11 year old boy. He was given the task to remove a stump from the family’s front yard. He dug, and hacked, and pried and sweated and struggled to remove the stubborn stump. Hour after hour he labored and toiled on it. He used shovels, axes, saws, pry bars and all of his might, but the stump was unmoveable!
Toward early evening, his father arrived home from work and pulled into the driveway. He took in the scene and observed his son’s efforts of the battle with the stump.
Then he said, “Son. You’re not working with all your strength.”
The son said in frustration and exhaustion, “What do you mean? I’ve tried everything! I couldn’t be working harder!”
His Father lovingly walked toward him and said, “Your not working with all of your strength… you haven’t asked for your father’s help.”
How often am I that kid?
Our Monday night group just wrapped up our 7 week study of Ephesians. In chapter 6, Paul talks about the full armor of God.
This is one of the ways our heavenly Father shares His mighty strength with us! Ladies, armor isn’t just for men. It’s for ALL of Gods people! Paul was addressing men, women, and children of all walks of life in this passage.
Gods armor is a gift to us.
But do we put it on? Or do we just ignore it while it sits on our bedroom floor.
Paul’s words,
“Take up” the armor
“Put on” the armor
“Stand firm”
How do we do this practically?
The answer to that is also found in Ephesians 6. We get dressed by praying!
There are 6 pieces of armor, but #7 is the engagement of prayer. That’s HOW we take it up and put it on!
Get dressed! Don’t go out onto the battlefield dressed in human flesh. This life is a supernatural fight- a spiritual battle- and we will be victorious in Christ!
Here’s my “getting dressed” prayer for you!
“Dear Father,
We praise you for your plan of salvation for the world, which includes men and women from all groups of people. We pray that you strengthen us with power through your Spirit—and grasp how wide, long, high, and deep your love is.
As we live our lives worthy of the calling we’ve received, walking in the way of love, please help us be strong in your mighty power and put on your armor each day.
May we stand firm and cinch the BELT OF TRUTH securely around our core, rejecting the lies that bombard us every day.
May we find strength in the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS by living and acting in accordance to what your word says.
May our feet be ready with the SHOES OF THE GOSPEL to spread the hope that comes from knowing the gospel of peace.
May we rest behind the SHIELD OF FAITH, extinguishing arrows of doubt, insecurity, fear, pride, rejection, deception, and endless distraction.
May the HELMET OF SALVATION protect our minds and fill us with your wisdom and perspective.May we trust in your salvation, which has been unfolding since the beginning and will be complete in your time.
Help us take up the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT—your word—seeking your guidance as we engage with the world each day. Help us have the discipline to memorize your word and hide it in our hearts so that we can actually use it!
You have given us your Fatherly strength through this full armor. Every piece is protective, purposeful, and powerful.
Help us take it up, and put it on as we do battle today and every day.
In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, amen.”
Better together,