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Thursday, January 25, 2024 (Rachel)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
Good morning, Ladies ☀️

This photo might not be the best, but it carries a special story I want to share! I hope it serves as a reminder to you and gives you some encouragement🩷

So, last week on our market trip, one of our girls was feeling a bit uneasy about us leaving, especially at bedtime.

So Josh, took his late mom’s wedding ring and turned it into a necklace for her🥺

He said, “Wear this at bedtime and know I’m with you.” I wish I could’ve captured the look on her face, she knows how much that ring means to him.

So with some hesitation she said, “Daddy, I can’t wear this. It means the world to you. What if I lose it?”

Josh responded with a simple yet profound statement🥺, “Honey, you mean more to me than this ring. It’s okay; I want you to wear it.”

This hit me hard.

She felt his love in a tangible way, because she knew how special that ring was to him.

Now, think about God’s love for us – He didn’t just give up some jewelry, He gave His son FOR US! 🌟

Let that sink in!!

Because this is the love I want you to feel today!

A love that can conquer any of your fears or loneliness.

It outshines any situation you’re facing. (I PROMISE) 😘

You’re cherished, valued, and always held in the arms of a gracious Father who loves YOU unconditionally . 🌟💕

Thanks for letting me share! I hope you’re day is the best😘

Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel


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