Daily Devotionals
Thursday, July 25, 2024 (Rachel)
Good Morning!
I had a little situation happen last night that I’d like to share. It’s nothing profound, and maybe you’ve already thought of this, but it hit me pretty hard.
So many of you know how scared of the dark I am. Last night at 10 PM, I had to run to my parents’ house to pick something up. When I pulled into the driveway, it was pitch dark. Normally, I would hesitate to even get out of the truck. But this time, there was something different about the darkness.
It felt familiar! I knew it, like my childhood home, and it wasn’t scary at all. This got me thinking, what other places in my life am I comfortable with darkness?
Maybe it's a habit we know isn't right, but have grown accustomed to, or a part of our lives where we've settled for less than what we know we deserve. It could be thoughts or attitudes that don't reflect our true values, but we've let them linger because it's easier than confronting them.
So today, I challenge us all to reflect on the areas of our lives where we might be too comfortable in the dark. Let’s find the courage to step into the light! Remember, Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” With the light of God’s word guiding us, we can break free from our darkness. And may I encourage you to reach out to a trusted friend who can lend you support and a listening ear. I’m here for you if you need that. Let’s help each other step into the light today

Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel
I had a little situation happen last night that I’d like to share. It’s nothing profound, and maybe you’ve already thought of this, but it hit me pretty hard.
So many of you know how scared of the dark I am. Last night at 10 PM, I had to run to my parents’ house to pick something up. When I pulled into the driveway, it was pitch dark. Normally, I would hesitate to even get out of the truck. But this time, there was something different about the darkness.
It felt familiar! I knew it, like my childhood home, and it wasn’t scary at all. This got me thinking, what other places in my life am I comfortable with darkness?
Maybe it's a habit we know isn't right, but have grown accustomed to, or a part of our lives where we've settled for less than what we know we deserve. It could be thoughts or attitudes that don't reflect our true values, but we've let them linger because it's easier than confronting them.
So today, I challenge us all to reflect on the areas of our lives where we might be too comfortable in the dark. Let’s find the courage to step into the light! Remember, Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” With the light of God’s word guiding us, we can break free from our darkness. And may I encourage you to reach out to a trusted friend who can lend you support and a listening ear. I’m here for you if you need that. Let’s help each other step into the light today

Rachel’s Closet Cares
Better Together
Love, Rachel