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Thursday, March 28, 2024 (Rachel)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
Good morning!I ☀️

I hope everyone is recovering from this unexpected spring snowstorm. I know I need some time to adjust; I'm definitely not a fan of winter weather.

I received a message from someone very important and special to me that I'd like to share with you this morning.

It came last week during a particularly challenging time when I felt weak, incapable and hopeless.

However, this wisdom has stayed with me all week and brought me much needed encouragement!🩷

Here’s what she said:

“A thought just popped into my gray head. God doesn't send you a big Amazon box packed with a two-month supply of strength. But He's there moment by moment, challenge by challenge, giving you what you need right then. Hang on. Pray on.”

Isn’t that so true! I was expecting a big delivery, but it doesn’t work that way. He wants us to come to Him daily and be filled with the delivery He has for us TODAY!

Isaiah 40:29 says,
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

May we all remember that in life's storms and challenges, we are never alone. God provides us with strength and guidance, not in a single overwhelming package but in each moment, as we face each challenge. I pray you have a day filled with renewed strength and steadfast hope! We are always here for you😘

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