Daily Devotionals
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 (Aminta)
My kids were playing up at the school this week and discovered a large, painted rock. Being boys, they immediately jumped on it and played on it.
As I watched, I thought about how scripture refers to God as our rock.
Immovable and strong.
I asked my boys to try their hardest to move the rock, or to break it. They pushed and jumped and hit- but to no avail.
That rock wasn’t moving. No matter what they did!
On the drive home, we talked about how God is like that rock. He is a sure foundation for our life because he isn’t going anywhere. We can trust him, we can stand on him and his promises, and we can know he is strong. No matter what comes, God is an immovable rock. He can’t be broken!
Sweet friends, can I encourage you today to stand on the rock? No matter what is happening in your life, or how crazy or overwhelming it may feel, you have a sure foundation!
Psalm 18:1-3 declares:
“I love you, LORD; you are my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.”
Let’s pray:
Great and Mighty God,
There is no one like you! No one as powerful as you. You are a solid rock, a sure foundation. I desire to build my life on you, that nothing in this world can move me. Send me your Spirit today to accomplish your will and to hold me in your protection, no matter what comes.
We are better together!
PS if you need a great song to go with today, check out the song “My Feet Are on the Rock” by I Am They.
As I watched, I thought about how scripture refers to God as our rock.
Immovable and strong.
I asked my boys to try their hardest to move the rock, or to break it. They pushed and jumped and hit- but to no avail.
That rock wasn’t moving. No matter what they did!
On the drive home, we talked about how God is like that rock. He is a sure foundation for our life because he isn’t going anywhere. We can trust him, we can stand on him and his promises, and we can know he is strong. No matter what comes, God is an immovable rock. He can’t be broken!
Sweet friends, can I encourage you today to stand on the rock? No matter what is happening in your life, or how crazy or overwhelming it may feel, you have a sure foundation!
Psalm 18:1-3 declares:
“I love you, LORD; you are my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.”
Let’s pray:
Great and Mighty God,
There is no one like you! No one as powerful as you. You are a solid rock, a sure foundation. I desire to build my life on you, that nothing in this world can move me. Send me your Spirit today to accomplish your will and to hold me in your protection, no matter what comes.
We are better together!

PS if you need a great song to go with today, check out the song “My Feet Are on the Rock” by I Am They.