Daily Devotionals
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 (Paula)
Our favorite little 4 letter word…
“H O P E !”
Hope is one of those words that we can glance over a little too quickly.
We may be familiar with the scripture from Corinthians that refers to “the three lasting virtues that remain” FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE.
Love is referred to as the greatest...
Faith is its own centerpiece...
but what about Hope?
Don’t give Hope the back seat!
Hope it’s not the flat tire on the third wheel of these virtues!
Hope is not fluffy, wispy, or flimsy!
Hope is not a “let’s-keep-our-fingers-crossed wish.”
So what is it?
True Hope is the JOYFUL and CONFIDENT EXPECTATION of future good. It’s anchored in the character and nature of God and His Word. Hope is an expectation for us to grab in this life, yes, but it reaches far beyond! Hope is the trust of God’s promises and everlasting provision. Hope helps us persevere in the truth that this world is not all there is.
And Hope has a name... JESUS!
Hope is a power-house, ladies!
Think about it... we can die without hope. Hopelessness steals abundant life, robs joy, and kills purpose.
As Christians our Hope is...
not insecure, but SURE
not wavering, but CERTAIN.
not short-lived, but SETTLED.
not temporary, but SEALED.
not neglected, but GUARANTEED.
not fleeting, but WAITING.
That’s why the writer of Hebrews 4 says it this way, “WE HAVE THIS HOPE AS AN ANCHOR FOR THE SOUL, FIRM AND SECURE”
An anchor securely holds in storms and strong currents.
And 1 Peter 1:13 tells us to SET our hope on things above- that’s an active determination on our part, friends!
No matter what circumstance (hardship, struggle, depression) we have the a u t h o r i t y to direct our minds and souls toward HOPE! We don’t need to succumb to every emotion (fear, angst, disappointment). We can choose HOPE in Jesus!
Give HOPE a long hard look today. Meditate on it. There’s a reason it’s considered a lasting virtue of the braid of faith+hope+love.
Better Together,
“H O P E !”
Hope is one of those words that we can glance over a little too quickly.
We may be familiar with the scripture from Corinthians that refers to “the three lasting virtues that remain” FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE.
Love is referred to as the greatest...
Faith is its own centerpiece...
but what about Hope?
Don’t give Hope the back seat!
Hope it’s not the flat tire on the third wheel of these virtues!
Hope is not fluffy, wispy, or flimsy!
Hope is not a “let’s-keep-our-fingers-crosse
So what is it?
True Hope is the JOYFUL and CONFIDENT EXPECTATION of future good. It’s anchored in the character and nature of God and His Word. Hope is an expectation for us to grab in this life, yes, but it reaches far beyond! Hope is the trust of God’s promises and everlasting provision. Hope helps us persevere in the truth that this world is not all there is.
And Hope has a name... JESUS!
Hope is a power-house, ladies!
Think about it... we can die without hope. Hopelessness steals abundant life, robs joy, and kills purpose.
As Christians our Hope is...

That’s why the writer of Hebrews 4 says it this way, “WE HAVE THIS HOPE AS AN ANCHOR FOR THE SOUL, FIRM AND SECURE”
An anchor securely holds in storms and strong currents.

And 1 Peter 1:13 tells us to SET our hope on things above- that’s an active determination on our part, friends!
No matter what circumstance (hardship, struggle, depression) we have the a u t h o r i t y to direct our minds and souls toward HOPE! We don’t need to succumb to every emotion (fear, angst, disappointment). We can choose HOPE in Jesus!
Give HOPE a long hard look today. Meditate on it. There’s a reason it’s considered a lasting virtue of the braid of faith+hope+love.
Better Together,