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Wednesday, June 12, 2024 (Paula)

Posted on by Josh Heppner 0 comments
“I’m so overwhelmed, I don’t even know how to pray…”

Ever been there?

I have! Specific times come to mind…

I think of when my kids were little, when the whole house was sick and sleep deprived and fussy and life didn’t slow down…

Or when parents were battling their final weeks with cancer, and we were realizing the end was so near…

I think of some tougher days of marriage, when the struggles seemed insurmountable and the solutions were slow to come…

Or when my teens were broken-hearted over a complex scenario that seemed to have no clear way out!

You may be there right now.

I’m so thankful that there’s a partner to help when I don’t even know how or what to pray.

As believers, we are not left to our own resources to cope with problems. Even when we don’t know the right words to pray the Holy Spirit prays with and for us, and God answers. We don’t need to be afraid to come before God. We don’t need to have all the right fancy words for God to hear our heart’s cry. We don’t need to come to God with the blueprints of how He should answer us. God has His Will, His plan…and we can trust that He is good.

I absolutely love this scripture in Romans:

“In the same way, the spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the spirit, because the spirit intercedes for the believers in accordance with God’s will.” Rom 8:26-27

Dear Sister, if you are overwhelmed right now, it’s ok.

Come on empty.
Unclench your fists and open up your palms.
Bow onto your knees.
Pour out your heart; confusion, grief, frustrations, and all.

Tell God, “I surrender all into your hands”.

The Holy Spirit is also called the “Helper,” the “Counselor.” The spirit intercedes, which means to advocate on behalf of someone else. The Holy Spirit falls into that place of helplessness and hopelessness with you to join you as a partner in prayer in the midst of your circumstances.

We are no longer speechless or helpless to know how to pray because the Holy Spirit “helps us in our weakness… intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”

Join with the power of the Holy Spirit in prayer today. He will be your prayer partner, your Helper, your Wonderful Counselor, your Advocate. You are not alone!

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